So this girl confessed that she liked me and we have being dating for a month and idk how to tell if its going to work out. I like her a lot she cool and pretty but we dont do anything together. We only hang out on the bus. We hangout together but always with other people. How can i can i move are relationship foward. Btw we are both only 15

  1. Ask her to the movies just the 2 of you. Ask her to walk around a mall just the 2 of you or the local minigolf, again just the 2 of you. Think of an activity you both may enjoy and stress “just us”. That allows you guys to have a real date and see where things go.

  2. Brother. The best thing to do is to just be honest with her. Tell her what you want out of the relationship. Plus, you’re only 15 so it’s ok if she isn’t the one. You got your whole life ahead of you still. But if you are serious about the relationship then why not try and make plans for the two of you only and see where that goes.

  3. Only 2 options as.I, being you are 15. Option 1) work on being close friends, or Option 2) get married.

  4. You’re both extremely young and have your whole life to date around. Dating is a LOT more fun and worth it when you’re a bit older! You’re both obviously not in the right mindset to have any serious commitment at such a young age as minors, a relationship would 99% not last long. It’s not like you’d get married and obviously can’t for several years… Dating is a lot more fun when you’re an adult, with independence and freedom from your parents, when you have your own income, vehicle, and a place of your own or maybe with roommates. I would say wait to date until you’re approaching 18. Being so young right now dating is almost useless. You’re parents will both have to drive you to an awkward movie date… Just wait.

    I wish I could tell my younger self not to worry about dating when I was in high school, even in college cause people are just wanting to party and drink. I wish I focused more on hobbies, friends, school, hooking clubs, which I did do but I put a lot of mental energy on men and dating and never worked out cause they were immature. People don’t really settle down until around 25-30s. You’ve got PLENTY of time!

  5. You’re in a tricky situation, but don’t worry, you’re not alone. You like this girl, but you’re not sure how to take things to the next level. Here’s the thing, communication is key in any relationship, and you need to have a heart-to-heart with her.

    My advice to you is to suggest doing something together just the two of you. It could be something as simple as going for a walk or having a slice of pizza together. This will give you a chance to get to know each other better and have a real conversation.

    Now, don’t put too much pressure on the relationship. You’re both 15, so it’s normal for things to be a bit more casual and fun-focused. Just relax and let things develop naturally. And remember, you’re a young man with a lot to offer, so don’t sell yourself short. Keep your head up, be confident and communicate openly. You got this!

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