As above ^ but not when it’s personal like a friend, but I love the thought of him getting horny looking at other girls on porn or instagram or something. Is this normal hahah is there a name for this?
Like I wouldn’t call myself a cuck because that’s just to far, so is there name for this “in between” feeling?

  1. My wife likes that during sex. She wants to watch porn and asks me to tell her what i like/wanna do to the actress. Was highly nervous at first as i was sure id cause an issue when i said it out loud but she truly gets turned on by it. Just communicate through it and have fun with it if youre both ok with it all.

  2. I always wander if my gf is this way?? Ladies would it be wrong to ask her if she gets horny when I talk to other girls ?

  3. As long as you are both comfortable and not hurting anyone, go for it. I enjoy watching my husband look at other women.

  4. Me and my gf do that but then she gets bother sometimes and tells me why can’t it be just us two but when I talk about other females she gets super soak and that turns me on even more what can I do to cont talking about other girls

  5. Is it because you like the idea of him exploring other sides of himself with other people, or you like imagining him turned on? Or do you like the idea of being degraded/devalued by his interest in others? The first might be poly, last might be cuckquean. I guess the middle one is just horny

  6. I’m like this when it comes to masturbating I think about my husband wanting other girls but he doesn’t know cause I would get pissed if he were to say it out loud

  7. I’m the same, love my man looking at other women while we’re out and telling me about it etc. I also prefer it not to be overly personal like friends. I never knew a name for it and assumed it was ‘cuckquean’ but I don’t like the degrading/humiliating side to it. I find it hot when my man tells me I’m still the best/most important.

    I did come across a post the other week and it was talking about ‘Hot Husband’. I’ve been reading up on it and I think this fits more than cuckquean!

  8. Far from it being any kind of label-worthy kink, it might simply be a territorial thing – you know he has an eye for other women but he only satisfies his urges with you. That and/or you feel the need to “reclaim” him when his eye wanders, hence how turned on you get – your body is urging you into “he’s mine and I’m going to show him why I’m the best” mode.

  9. Your bf is a lucky guy! I honestly used to be the most insecure person and couldn’t handle the thought of my partner looking at *anyone* else. But somehow, 10 years in, and I’m the same as you! We now share fantasies of watching eachother fuck other people and it’s ok because everyone consents and is happy!

  10. Very normal, I’ve felt it myself and I also had an ex who liked when I talked about my sluttier phases. Personally I think it has to do with sexual competition and feeling like you’re “winning” a desirable partner

  11. My ex was the same… completely overly jealous but at the same time she got turned on by the thought of me fucking another woman.

  12. The first step down the long road of cuckoldry. I hope if you tell him he understands what to do. Your pleasure is at stake.

    Don’t be ashamed. Embrace it. Explore it. Define it for yourself. You’re not weird or broken.

  13. Nothing is weird regarding sex preferences.

    This could be fun if you integrate it with role-playing

  14. Honestly, i think im like this too. Its just a fantasy. But im not personally comfortable with the idea that it turns me on…its almost like i dont like that it can turn me on…did you feel like this at first? How to get comfortable with that?

  15. Jealous af of your boyfriend. I have the same thing with my girlfriends and it’s called hotwifing.

  16. I think this is interesting because I’ve only dated people that felt the opposite (they never said they were jealous if I found others hot)

    But I’d watch porn or look at lewds/nudes and think of them.

    Knowing I was getting turned on by someone else/stimuli but thinking of them turned them on so much.

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