Basically the title. Any rituals or traditions you and your partner have that you love?

  1. Every Sunday evening without fail, we come together and plan out our week. She plans all of the meals she’s going to cook, her baking schedule, dance schedule, work schedule. I plan out my class assignments, basketball practices, games, travel, art time, etc. It’s so great having someone who thrives off of a schedule the same way I do. I always look forward to Sundays because of that.

  2. Whenever one of us gets home from work, we always take time to cuddle for 5-10 minutes. Helps us get into a cozy head space and out of work mode. We’ll talk about work and stress we’ve got going on there and then start making dinner together.

  3. We play thumb wars. Every time we hold hands, I always always trap his thumb under mine and go “1,2,3. I win”. Then we tussle for a bit before settling back to hand holding lol

  4. (We don’t live together) We send each other a good night message every day without fail, and have been doing that for almost 2 years. Now I can’t really fall asleep before I get the text from him. He is the last thing I think about at the end of every day.

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