Women with partners who work night shifts, how do you deal with it?

  1. I myself worked nightshift while I was dating my husband and it was really hard.

    One thing we kept up every week, is he would come over before my shifts and I’d make waffles. It was basically breakfast for me and dinner for him and a good way to spend time together because our schedules were super screwed up.

    He’d also call me on his drives into the office while I was driving home from work in the morning so he could keep me awake while I was behind the wheel.

  2. …send him dirty pics; that’s what my wife did when I worked nights. Show him what he’s missing, he’ll go back to days really quick.

  3. honestly just making the most of every moment

    im a day shifter, so on my days off where he’s coming off his shift, i cook breakfast in the morning and have breakfast with him and before he goes in for the next shift, i make and pack his dinner

    on our days off together, we watch shows, play games, go on little dates, etc

    it’s still hard and we’re still learning, but these are some things that help us since we’re on opposite schedules 🙂

  4. My husband works nights & weekends and honestly, it’s really hard. We get one day off together every other week, and because his job is very laborious he’s usually too tired to do much.

    You learn to appreciate the little moments. He calls me on his evening break, I leave little notes for him in his pockets or around the house, we enjoy running errands together. The upside of having so little time together is we have yet to get tired of each other’s company.

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