The idea of shower sex is amazing but I don’t even know what to do. Do you wash your partner or something? I don’t know how to have shower sex without it being awkward

  1. Kiss her neck from behind. Get your hands soapy and feel her. Scrub her back with soap. Pee on her leg

  2. I love shower sex. Well shower foreplay really. PIV is kind of risky. Wash each other and play with each other. Awkwardness comes from lack of trust and not feeling comfortable being yourself nude with the other person.

  3. During shower sex, you do what you would do outside of the shower in standing up positions, but in the shower.

    Typically, you let the water running and you make out, you hug each other closely, you touch each other. You can also penetrate while standing behind her.

    If you also want to get out of the shower clean, you also wash each other

  4. What do I do?

    I try to stay warm.
    I try not to slip and fall.
    I try not to knock over any bottles.
    I try not to get soap in my mouth or eyes.
    I try not to let the shower curtain touch me (when I had one).
    I try not to break the sliding shower glass doors (that I have now).
    But mostly I wonder how and why movies and porn make shower sex seem so hot and sexy when really all it does is wash away my natural lubricant and make me feel clumsy.

    After many hilarious attempts I’ve finally learned my lesson – the shower is for getting clean after getting dirty. And for masturbating with the shower massager. Not sex (or attempted sex I should say) with other people. 🤣 It is highly overrated – but no one should take my word for it. You have to experience it for yourself to realize how overrated it is (but seriously – dont fall) – we’re being sold LIES! Cold, wet lies!!

  5. To each their own, but…

    Shower sex is highly overrated.

    The surfaces are hard and cold (especially tile).

    You are cold when not in the direct line of the water.

    Someone is always getting drowned with water in their eyes or nose or mouth.

    And, this is the best, water literally dries up the vagina like a desert.

    Go for it and give it a try. Everyone does. Most of the time it is never done again.

    All that said, my wife and I take showers together all the time. We kiss and make out and will occasionally perform oral on each other (but that entails all the cons from above as well).


  6. I try not to throw my husband off balance and not have us crash through the curtain, it can be so nerve wracking.

  7. Shower sex is overrated. Water actually makes things dryer. Use the shower as forplay rather than actual PIV sex. Wash each other, kiss each other, maybe do some oral….. but PIV sucks in the shower lol it’s dry and slippery and cold hahahahaha

  8. At the end of the day pool, jacuzzi, ocean, lake or shower sex is a bit rough. Not that it isnt sexy and hot as hell. It’s hella fun and differnt…but once yea slide in…it just feels off.

    The wife and i will experience amazing foreplay in the shower….but transition to the bed for the sexy time.

  9. I love shower sex, helps having a two person shower with rain heads. Plenty of space to move around and being able to redirect the water. Nothing better after a hot sticky day, jumping into a cool shower, washing each other off.. Foreplay then PIV

    Plenty of lube is definitely your friend.

    Also easy clean up

  10. We usually foreplay a lot in the shower every single night/time. My husband is obsessed with my boobs so he’ll wash them over and over and over. Oops, I missed a spot. I gotta rewash 😂. It’s cute. I love it. Then, if I ask for him to wash my back, it’s his cue to really get me soapy all over. Shower sex is hard af, idc who you are lol so it’s fun to just “play” in there before the show.

  11. I wish I was like kidding but don’t have shower sex in a bathtub with a shower did it in a standing shower. It’s way more comfortable speaking from a 6’2” prospective. But most standing shower area has like the pre installed shower benches. With the right shower head you’ll have water coverage for most of the area. Now guys ur typically standing up or on your knees in certain situations but if n only your strong enough to pick ya girl up 😏😏 you’ll definitely be in there another 10~20 minutes

  12. Making out and using the lufa but the ending is usually the same. Me bent over.

    Also so much overthinking happening with sex. Just give into the moment.

  13. Use oil-based lube. The water from the shower will strip natural lubricant away and make sex uncomfortable.

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