How do you navigate interacting with men, when so many of them are deceptive and carry hidden intentions?

  1. I usually avoid interacting with men unless I’ve known them a while or it’s in a professional setting.

  2. Find a better group of people to associate with.

    Men don’t have a lock on shady behavior.

  3. Honestly I really don’t interact that much with men but when I do, I take it slow with them. I try to get to know/ understand them before I start anything serious

  4. I’ve encountered more hidden intentions and deception among female friends than male, so I’m not really cautious around men in particular. I’m just a bit healthily wary, make sure to keep them at an arm’s length in the beginning, and avoid forming/giving the impression that I’m open to forming any close relationships.

  5. This is a very odd post and the replies already have me questioning humanity. Of 7 replies, 5 of you are essentially confirming that most men have hidden intentions. Like what? Most men have the best intentions much like most women. Some are bad though. Sure.

  6. It’s just trusting my instincts. I never automatically assume a man is deceptive (I know plenty of guys who are not), but when I speak to a new man I pay attention to the way they speak to me, other women, and other men, and come to my own conclusions about the kind of person they are. I can’t pin-point specifically which characteristics, but I’ve noticed the more manipulative ones all have a similar vibe around them, and I’ll find myself thinking “this guy reminds me of *insert manipulative douchebag from my past here*” and know to keep my distance.

    All the men in my life as of now are not deceptive and manipulative.

  7. I’m not sure if you’re asking for dating advice or just life advice so I’ll just be honest.

    I’m really annoying and I love to tell stories about my husband. There’s something really refreshing about talking to a man and just dropping “my husband does that too!” Or something along those lines. It sets a firm boundary and, let’s people know I’m in a super happy relationship. That way we can just talk as equals

    I’m not sure if that’s helpful… I also just don’t associate myself with anyone who has a shit personality

  8. I generally don’t interact with men other than my male co-workers and male store clerks. I’m pretty wary of them because you never know which ones will be the sort who like to harass and harm women. 😔

  9. If a red flag appears, ask questions that will elaborate on their intentions without giving them ideas for an out and if the math isn’t mathing walk away IMMEDIATELY.

  10. I think op might be referring to the married men who present themselves as single. I have fallen into that trap several times. Of course those that never let you see their home, only give you their cell ph number, never take you to restaurants near their business or home, or never introduce you to their friends usually get found out in short order. But there are others who play the game well to get what they want. Fuck buddies

  11. I assume the worst.

    Men today are deceptive, there is no joke about this. Better not interact or interact and get fooled. There are just too many freaks online with their messed up ideas to assume the bad guys are rare. There are plenty of guys that are great pretenders. And I don’t play with that. Because I have much more to lose than to gain from interacting on giving slack to the wrong ones.

  12. This doesn’t apply to anyone I interact with regularly. For people I don’t know well, I can’t remember the last time I put myself in a situation where it mattered if they carried hidden intentions.

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