Me and my girlfriend have been dating for around 9 months now, we are very sexually active ranging from around 2-5 times a day, we are both confident with our bodies and we have each seen every inch of each others bodies.

One of my favourite things to do is go down on her she absolutely loves it, one thing I have never experienced is a bj and we have had many conversations about it and she is always telling me how she will give me one but never has.

I would love for her to give me one but I don’t want to just say to her give me one incase she isn’t comfortable with it.

Any tips on what to hint or say or do that could result in me getting head

  1. >we have had many conversations about it and she is always telling me how she will give me one but never has.

    That’s unfortunate. When we make promises to our partners but never follow up on them, we’re basically eroding trust because, whether intended or not, what we’re saying is “you can’t trust my word.” Maybe your GF doesn’t realize she’s doing that but she’s doing that.

    In any case, this is a perfectly legitimate topic for conversation:

    “You keep saying you will but you haven’t yet and that’s making me wonder if there’s something you’re nervous or anxious about?”

    And then see what she has to say. That’s not accusatory or putting pressure on her. You’re looking to understand what’s happening for her.

    Clearly, something is up but none of us can responsibly take a guess. It’s best to let her speak for herself.

    Meanwhile: you need to decide if this relationship is worth it if you *never* get to receive oral sex. I’m not saying it’s a certainty but it’s a possibility you need to be ready for.

  2. Easy, just bring up how you talked to her about it before. It’s all in the wording.

    “Hey, do you remember the conversation we had about you going down on me? Would you be willing to today? If not that’s 100% ok, whatever you’re comfortable with.”

    Let her know your desire, but at the same time, let her know that there’s no shame in not being comfortable with something right away.

  3. After you go down on her tell her you’d love to feel her mouth on your cock and know how it feels

  4. Do this when you down on her turn and offer yourself in a 69 position. She is likely to get the hint.

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