I mean they literally got banned down there- Your brothers to the north

  1. I never even had one until I traveled to Europe in 2015.

    And, I mean, they’re kind of fun, but they’re not so great that I lament not being able to get them at home.

  2. They are banned because the FDA prohibits inedible objects to be present in food.

    A food item must be completely edible with no unnatural taintings or impurities (bone in meat is not considered an impurity) if it is to be sold on the commercial market. Kinder Eggs are an impure food due to the plastic toy being inside the chocolate.

    As for how it affects us? Literally, it doesn’t. I have only ever heard Redditors complain about it and we have the much superior solution of seperating the toy from the chocolate.

  3. 1. I’m kinda surprised this isn’t in the commonly asked questions list.

    2. The toys have been deemed a choking hazard.

    3. We have the version of this just without the toy inside so we’re not missing out.

    4. I’ve had it and honestly the chocolate was unremarkable. Not terrible but you can get so much better for the price.

  4. We have them. They just have the toy included separately. The ban wasn’t for kinder eggs, it was about non edible products being placed inside an edible one. The ban preceded Kinder Eggs, and Kinder didn’t change their product to suit the market it was selling to until a few years ago.

    Go to any candy isle and they’re there now. Especially during Christmas/Valentines/Easter/Halloween.

    They’re also not nearly as good as Europe and Canada claim. It’s chocolate, and it’s fine, but nothing to write home about. Nothing that Dove and Ghirardelli’s and Endangered Species and tons of other brands haven’t done the same or better.

    But those other brands don’t let foreigners condescend to us so they don’t care about them. Much easier for them to tell themselves that Hersheys is all that exists in the USA so they can feel superior.

  5. I live in Germany.
    They’re not that special. I don’t get why people make such a big deal of this

  6. It doesn’t affect me at all. I didn’t even know that such a thing existed until someone brought it u online.

  7. It’s hard to be upset about not getting something that you don’t know exists; my kids are blissfully unaware of kinder eggs and likely will remain so until they get past the age where the presence or absence of candy is a source of distress.

  8. Nobody cares. You can buy plenty of other kinder chocolate products in the US that taste exactly the same as the eggs.

  9. They’re banned yes, but they’re not exactly hard to find if you go to a European market. My kids love them. They’re banned because of a law involving toys in food.

  10. They literally didn’t, but I get the feeling facts won’t really change your mind so why bother

  11. >why did [Kinder Surprise] get banned in the US

    Kinder Surprise is illegal in the US because of a FDA regulation that says food *eg* chocolate eggs cannot contain not-food *eg* plastic capsules. It’s not a specific ban on those items, but the law does affect them.

    As for “how does it feel”, you couldn’t pay me to care less. I can get Kinder Joy and that’s enough for me.

  12. How does it feel paying more for pretty much 100% of everything with higher taxes and lower salaries? I swear Canadians can never just shut up about the US.

  13. Do you think American adults are losing sleep over the availability of buying pieces of chocolate with a toy in it lol…? I’ve never met anyone who actually cares outside of Reddit

  14. Shitty chocolate with a shitty toy. I couldn’t care less.

    That said, “Kinder Eggs” are not banned, any food which encases a non edible item are not allowed.

  15. Kinder Eggs didn’t “get banned”, they’re illegal to import under a law that prohibits non-edible objects inside candy that predates Kinder Eggs by several decades. Instead we have a version where the candy and the toy are on different halves of a plastic egg, so I truly don’t think we’re missing out.

  16. I’d never heard of them until a few years ago and just don’t care. Why you wasting precious chocolate space on a damn Cracker Jack prize?

  17. We have them here at my local bodega. You can find them by the other candies in most stores, like Target or Walmart.

  18. It feels like absolutely nothing because I am neither a five year old nor an Austrian unwrapping youtuber with a large doll collection.

  19. *shrug* I don’t remember ever having one even before the ban.

    Of all the things I care about one random item in the impulse but aisle isn’t one.

  20. I could not possibly care any less

    When I was in Mexico, people talked about them like they were a delicacy. I thought they were a very plain chocolate with nothing that stood out as special.

  21. I remember once my friend brought some home from Canada before they were available here. They weren’t that special. The chocolate was fine and the toy was garbage. We have them in america, just with the toy in a different wrapper, and I don’t buy them

  22. They’re really not that good, I don’t know why you guys are so obsessed with them. I feel like it’s just because it’s one of the few food products we can’t get here. It’s mediocre chocolate that probably tastes better in a million other contexts other than wrapped around plastic.

  23. I get my eggs from my neighbor’s chickens. I actually know the chickens by their names, they’re treated more like pets than livestock.

  24. > How does it feel

    I want you to imagine the following said dripping with so much sarcasm that your eyes roll back into your head and you have an aneurism: Ohhhhh noooo… I can’t have one particular cheap chocolate because it has a toy inside it my life is ruined how could I possibly go on this is the worst thing that has ever happened in the history of ever.

    Everyone else covered why they got banned pretty well.

  25. The only reason I know about Kinder eggs is because reddit complains about it.

    Personally, I prefer Reese’s eggs.

  26. I do not care in the slightest bit, if they were available here I wouldnt be buying them anyway.

  27. I don’t think I’ve ever once thought about it before Redditors tell me I should be thinking about it. I’m truly unable to find a way to care less than I already do.

  28. In the 1930s we implemented food safety laws to prevent inedible things like saw dust or plaster dust being put into foods. As was a common threat during the depression to make something seem like more than it was. The toys in kinder eggs simply fall under the rules of the law as something inedible and thus banned.

  29. They didn’t get banned.

    We banned food with non-food inside it way before Kinder Eggs ever existed.

    How does it feel? Well if you were actually concerned, you’d know we just get the other kinder eggs with a piece of foil wrap between the toy and the chocolate.

  30. Outside of when a read a question like this, I quite literally never think about it. I don’t even think I’ve ever had the kinder egg that isn’t banned here

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