How did you find out you were being cheated on?

  1. He sent me a selfie from his hotel room to say “hi” and in the mirror’s reflection I saw a black dress hanging from the bathroom door.

  2. He was having too many “extra shifts”, but still getting the same money at the end of the month.

  3. He opened his “my eyes only” on snap when I was standing behind him and when I peaked I saw plenty of another girls n*des in there, turns out it was a girl he previously told me was a “close friend” since I recognised her tattoos🤦‍♀️

  4. I just knew. Things didn’t add up, he was way to protective of his phone, I found condoms that we damn sure weren’t using, and eventually someone said they saw him flat out in public with another woman. I never wanted to believe it so I stupidly just endured it for years

  5. He randomly started accusing me of cheating. (Spoiler alert: I wasn’t) Yay for projecting.

  6. My then normally introverted partner suddenly started talking to people online. No big deal, I’m not jealous or anything. I got major suspicions when she wanted to stay the weekend with a friend she met online. It was a six hour drive away in Chicago. I let her do it, she’s an adult. I can’t stop it. I knew something was up. And I was right. She came back and she had the gall to ask me if we can be a poly relationship. It was a firm “NO”. You either get me or not at all.

  7. He told me. I guess I respect him for that. He told me he had been with another woman and really wants to be with her. Of course it hurt but I appreciate his honesty and don’t hate him even though he hurt me.

    Then she cheated on him and I felt even better lol

  8. He broke up with me saying he wasn’t happy anymore. Eventually it came out that he cheated multiple times and felt guilty but didn’t want to admit it. We were engaged. He tried getting me to take him back and even chased me (not literally) out of a target 6 months later screaming I love you and begging me to just give him 5 minutes to talk.

    Fucking nuts to think about now.

  9. He bet his friend 20$ he could sleep with a certain girl and then said at a later date, in front of me, “oh by the way you owe me that 20$” 😬

  10. I had a gut feeling, my ex’s old fwb started texting him like crazy. I didn’t care at first because I trusted him, then he started by not opening her messages infront of me (he used to respond to messages when we were together) and he got defensive when I went to look at his phone i.e for the time or to check something.

    Eventually when I started to get worried (after I asked and he didn’t give me a good answer just “she’s a friend” “she’s having some family trouble”), I looked through his phone and saw all the messages and nudes between them

  11. He was in the shower and I accidentally picked up his phone thinking it was mine (we have the same model) and I saw a text from the other woman. Mind you this was after he asked for a divorce.

  12. My son’s dog had been hit by a car. When she was at home recovering from surgery, she was at the stage where she could pull herself around the room.

    One night I woke up needing painkillers (normal for me) but when I went to the living room to get them I dropped one. Terrified the dog would find it and die (after my son had spent 18K on surgery for her) I grabbed my husband’s phone which was charging to use a torch.

    On the screen were notifications from a website…won’t mention the name but clearly for hookups. It was 3am-ish so I was like, can’t process this now…went to bed. Following day did some Googling…yep just as I thought.

    One of the things that I really can’t stand is when you accuse someone of doing something they deny it…so I set about gathering evidence.

    When he was out the next evening, I logged on to his Gmail (had always had the password, just never used it). Found heaps more messages and oh lookie…the links to the website passed the login thru so I didn’t need his password for the site…even MORE messages, including ones where he had arranged to meet. All of them were bawdy ‘I wanna fsck your brains out’ type messages, nothing romantic. Got lots of screenshots.

    Was getting angrier and angrier at this point.

    Soooo…I signed up to the site, created a profile, no pic. Sent him a message that said ‘You wanna get fscked? Well guess what…you’re fscked…this is your wife!

    Saw the message hit his Gmail and get deleted immediately (him on his phone). But not before I grabbed one last screenshot…

    Shit hit the fan when he got home…

  13. My ex left me for being “too jealous” only to marry the woman he kept talking about literally a month and a half after we broke up. It’s fine, as he’s now divorced with a kid living in his parents’ place, still working at McDonald’s, almost 20 years in, and he’s almost 45.

  14. He accidentally sent me a video of himself having sex with someone else. I was like that’s not me!

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