Hey y’all

So long story short: I just got helped out by this really cute girl at a store and I can’t help but wanting to ask her out.

Yes I should’ve just asked her on the spot but my pathetic excuses are…

1) I had full intentions on buying a birthday gift and had genuine questions overall. No intentions of hitting on her however her eyes and laugh though…
2) I went during my lunch break and had to leave really quick

I did not get the chance to ask her how her days ways or anything of relating because I was fixated with buying my things.. but I couldn’t help but make small comments and hear her laugh and comment back.

Gawd damn she was so cute.. I’m a really shy guy so it was difficult for me to really show I was interested but maybe she was?

She started to stroke her hair behind her ears a lot when we conversated a bit t the cashier. She asked for my # for store records and I could see she was sort of flustered and kept stroking her hair back.

She giggled a bit and I did as well. Then I looked at her name tag and said her name as well as a good buy and she did the same thing too.

Not sure if this is anything… but I want to hear your thoughts?

Really thinking of going back right after work to ask her out on a small coffee date or something.

  1. Eh. I wouldn’t recommend asking someone out that’s working as they’re required to be nice to you it’s part of their job.

  2. I wouldn’t bother her since she’s working and it might just be your perspective of this interaction, not that she’s actually interested.

  3. Better to just casually go in there another day and buy sth else and try + get her number. Likely you’ll just get shot down if u go in cold + just ask her out. Most of the “signals” u think u saw were probably imagined and she meets 20 hot guys a day in that job

  4. Generally not a good idea to ask someone out when they’re working. Their job is to be polite to you so you could be putting them in a really uncomfortable spot. I’ve only done this once and it was because she was being incredibly obvious with her advances. So unless you’re 99% sure she’s interested I wouldn’t do it.

  5. You will get a lot of people saying don’t do it because she’s working and it’s her job to be nice blah blah, but each situation is unique and if you’re picking up good vibes just ask her out! The worst she can do is say no/I have a boyfriend. Go for it man!

  6. Generally speaking, it’s not a good idea to hit on someone in a customer service role.

    Their job description literally is to smile and friendly!

    (Oftentimes in this cold cruel world men mistake *kindness* by women for *flirtation*.)

    Nevertheless, *if you truly believe* she was hot and bothered by you then take your shot.

    However, don’t be surprised if she may have been nervous due to lack of experience.

    Best wishes!

  7. You’re feeling the vibe with this girl you met at the store, and you’re thinking about asking her out. That’s cool, I get it. She was cute, you had a good conversation, and you’re feeling the spark. But let me tell you, it’s not always easy to know when the right time is to make a move.

    First things first, asking her out while she’s working might not be the best idea. She’s there to do a job, not to be hit on. Plus, it could put her in a tricky situation, you know? She might not want to hurt your feelings or give you a hard time, but at the same time, she might not be interested.

    So, here’s what I suggest. Get her number, text her later and ask her out on a proper date. You know, something like a coffee or a drink. That way, she’ll have time to think about it and you’ll have a chance to make a good impression without the pressure of the store.

    And, don’t worry too much about the way she was acting when you were talking to her. People have different ways of responding to social interactions, and it’s not always easy to read them. Plus, you never know, she might be just as shy as you are.

    The bottom line is, don’t put too much pressure on yourself. You’re a cool guy, you have nothing to be afraid of. And remember, rejection is a part of dating, it’s not a reflection of your worth as a person. So, go ahead, ask her out, and see what happens. You never know, she might surprise you.

  8. “Hey I know you’re working and I want to respect that but I just wanted to ask if you’d be interested in hanging out outside of work? If I’ve misinterpreted things I apologize for that and I’ll leave you alone but you’re a beautiful woman and I’d be an idiot not to at least try. :)”

  9. if you’re a regular the best thing you can do is slowly build a rapport with her, just start off with friendly “Hows your day going” “Been very busy lately” to “Got much happening on the weekend”

  10. Bro. It won’t end well but go back and ask. I did this exact thing with someone who cut my hair a while back. Left my number with her and haven’t heard back. But do it. Builds confidence and experience.

  11. It goes both ways. I myself (26f) have come across very good looking men while they were at their place of employment. I don’t ask them out or leave my number. I just keep them on my mind for a week then forget about them. I wouldn’t want them to feel uncomfortable. They at work. They are trying to get their money and go home.

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