Like, here in Brazil, the state no one dislikes is Minas Gerais. It has a good weather, low criminality, historical cities and sites, good food, friendly people, good education, etc. Is there a state in the US that is like that?

  1. Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Hawaii are probably the ones I can think of that have little to no hate.

  2. It’s a toss up between Hawaii and Colorado.

    A little while ago, we voted Colorado as being the state that is the most difficult to roast.

  3. No one’s said Montana? I think of Montana and just think of mountains and skiing and being tranquil and shit. I’ve never heard anyone shit talk Montana for stuff happening, but it also isn’t really in the discussion with Wyoming, Alaska, the Dakotas, and Idaho for most boring. It’s just Montana where you go to not be on a federal list.

    Edit: I have heard more Montana hate in this comment section alone than in my entire lifetime

  4. Minnesota.

    Yeah, it gets cold and the limited daylight makes it harder for those with depression. So it may not be for everyone but no one hates Minnesota. We’re nice.

  5. I’d go with Minnesota. It’s main knock would probably be it’s extreme weather, but even then, plenty of people think snow can be quite nice if it’s the right type. Other than that, it has a low crime rate, just rural enough to not be viewed as overwhelming or too metropolitan, just urban enough to not be seen as boring, just affluent enough to not be seen as backwards or disgusting, but not rich enough to be seen as snobby, or too good. A fairly politically competitive state, and even though it leans slightly blue, that’s largely because of it’s high voter turnout, making it harder for conservatives to vilify – “you gonna shit on a state for having more people doing their patriotic duty?” Also, people there are extremely nice – like, it gets made fun of for the stereotype that people are too down-to-earth and nice, but I think that’s just some good natured gentle ribbing that, if anything, kinda proves it’s status.

  6. Washington or Oregon? I havnt been to Oregon but I want to visit. Washington looked pretty when I visited there

  7. I’ve been posting a bunch of a-hole comments jokingly. But real talk. The US is huge and super different. There isn’t one place that’s universally liked whether it be the weather, the reliance on tourism, or political leanings. It’s always something. We’re just too different and that’s why the states got their own things going on

  8. For some weird reason, Colorado appears to be extremely favorable amongst almost every American I speak to.

  9. Everyone loves Hawaii but the native Hawaiians do not like that everyone loves Hawaii

    America is very regional. People tend to have stereotypes about other parts of America. If not for us saying America is the greatest country on earth (most younger people no longer believe that either) we’d probably be fighting each other

  10. Every outside of Hawaii loves that state. The residents of HI, however, don’t feel the same love for non-Hawaiians.

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