I was talking to some friends the other day a lamenting that, here in the UK at least, that rock nights are either classic “denim and leather” bands with some glam thrown in or modern guff from bands that are essentially pop groups with guitars and marketed as such with bands such as A Day To Remember, Wargasm and The Pretty Reckless.

There’s nothing, here in the UK that isn’t Bloodstock, for bands such as Nightwish, Epica, Threshold etc. Now a lot of it is unsuitable for dancing to but we’d all happily go out and drink with some in the background but what about the radio? Here in the UK the radio stations are either Planet Rock which focuses mostly on the classics or Kerrang which focuses on bollocks.

So what about Europe, I would love recommendations for a radio station playing new stuff I can discover without the veil of bullshit that covers a lot of the bands on Kerrang. Even when I was their target demographic 10-20 year olds with little knowledge of anything outside the top 40, I could tell that Limp Biskit were not exciting and a band to keep an eye on or that Evanescence were utterly superb (and this was before I discovered Nightwish). Kerrang is one of those radio stations that if you listen to the DJs you’ll grow up to be an insufferable cunt that says “OMG, can you believe what we used to listen to back then?”

Planet Rock is much better and generally more focused on quality than bullshit and the variety is brilliant, rarely will they play the same some more than once a week but it’s all stuff i’m very familiar with, I love Black Sabbath and they play a lot of their more obscure stuff but i’d rather listen to something new.

  1. I think (I very rarely listen to radio since spotify and podcasts exist) that Bandit Rock plays a variety of a bunch of rock both old and new

  2. In Poland we have Antyradio, they Play mostly rock/metal/ alternative music.
    Presenters are only talk in Polish, though.

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