I (19f) have been with my bf for 6 months now, but we are long distance so we have only met once for 2 weeks atm. We were both virgins and meeting we tried out sexual stuff. The problem is that on the 3 ish day, after he fingered me I discovered I had a yeast infection. This was very embarrassing and I felt so gross and bad about him seeing it.

I went and got some pills that were supposed to help, and they did, After like 5 days (when our time was almost gone). Now after that I’ve struggled with yeast infection on and off after my period.

We are gonna meet again in 1 month, but instead of being happy I’m scared. I know like I’m 100% gonna get a yeast infection. And I don’t want him to think there’s something wrong with me. I don’t know what to do. Ofc in the 2 weeks we spend together I wanna be intimate, but this is gonna stop me.

Should I take capsule treatment before I meet him? Or after the first sexual act? Can I have sex/get fingered by him while taking the treatment?

I genuinely hate this, I just wanna be able to enjoy sex. I’ll appreciate any help

  1. You shouldn’t be getting infections that often. Do you change your underwear everyday? Do you wear panty liners? I found panty liners gave me more infections. Have showers not baths and don’t get soap inside the vulva. Don’t douche. Eat yogurt!

  2. This should eliminate any future issues:

    1. No fingers inside you unless he’s washed his hands completely right before and trimmed his nails (bacteria lurking underneath then/microtears letting bacteria in)

    2. Check your condoms if you’re using them. I used to get yeast infections from the latex.

    3. Pee and wash immediately before and immediately when you’re done. Not an hour later, etc.

    4. He needs to wash his twig and berries more thoroughly. If not yeast, the friction of him near your urethra and bacteria from him can cause a UTI.

    5. Cotton underwear.

    If you’re on treatment for a yeast infection, no. Do NOT engage in sex either by penis or finger. You need to complete treatment and be yeast free, or else you’re just going to pass it back and forth. And no, you don’t take yeast medication as a “preventative.”

  3. If you’re both virgins you pretty certainly don’t have sti’s. Yeast infections happen all the time usually due to cleanliness issues. Take a difulcan(uk) pill a couple of days before, thouurougly wash anything that’s gonna come near your vagina, including you, and you should be fine.

    BTW I’m not any kind of medic and this is something any doctor or nurse can advise you on over the phone. If you can’t get an appointment you can get the same advice by anonymously visiting a walk in sti clinic if you are anywhere near a hospital.

  4. Are you using bath bombs when you bathe? The residue and glitter can give you yeast infections as well.
    Have you spoken to your doctor about it & you’re absolutely positive it’s yeast infections & not a UTI or anything?

  5. Heya – I know exactly how you feel.
    When I first became sexually active, I got a bunch of UTIs and yeast infections. I too was long distance with my partner, and I went to the doctor a bunch of times – but the thing that actually worked for me in the end and made me feel a lot better?
    Doctor looked at my track record of UTIs, gave me a box of antibiotics and told me to take one each time I had sex, and if I felt a UTI setting in, to then just take the whole course. He also told me that part of my problem was the fact I wasn’t having consistent sex – I’d have none for a month, then a bunch in a few days – and my body wasn’t really settling into a pattern, so I was getting infections coz I couldn’t adjust to my partner’s bacteria.
    Sometimes, yeast infections are just stubborn too, and you need to speak to a doctor to get a stronger anti-fungal. If you get your period during the treatment too, this can also disrupt it.
    After that last appointment though? I’ve not had a single UTI or yeast infection. I moved house, I now live with my partner and we’re more regular, and I make sure to pee after sex every time (which I was doing before anyway, in fairness), and I also clean up using unfragranced washlets.
    You will be okay, you don’t need to be afraid, sometimes it just takes a bit of time to get things figured out. It absolutely doesn’t mean there is anything wrong with you.

    TLDR: Speak to your doctor, confirm if it’s yeast infections or UTIs, practice *extra* good hygiene, don’t be scared 🙂

  6. If you can’t knock off the yeast infection then go to your doctor to get advice and stronger medication to take care of it.

    You might also start taking a probiotic, Ask your doctor for recommendations. A probiotic alone won’t cure a yeast infection but it can help and can improve your chances of avoiding one. If you don’t discuss it with your doctor then don’t just pick one on your own, ask the pharmacist about it. They sell some probiotics over the counter (no prescription needed) at the pharmacy counter.

    Also make sure both you and your partner practice especially good overall hygiene before and after sex. Hands, mouth and genital areas.

  7. The best way to protect yourself from sexually transmitted infections (STIs) is to practice safe sex by using condoms or other forms of barrier protection. It’s also important to communicate with your partner and discuss your concerns and any potential risks.

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