What food do you like that other people dislike?

  1. Fried chicken livers dipped in hot sauce (preferably Franks)

    I feel like they’re not actually disliked all that much, but you do tend to get some weird looks sometimes.

  2. I love mushrooms. The texture and the taste. They’re easily in my top 5 favourite veggies. I see so much mushroom hate…

    Also (potentially controversial) I like fondant.

  3. Onions

    I love onions. Raw or cooked. They’re amazing.

    My SO and I will often roast/bake a whole sweet or yellow onion, split it in half and peel a layer of onion for every bite of our meal.

    Our friends like to poke fun at us saying things like, “These mfers really be eating whole ass onions every meal.” lol

  4. I love green olives and I enjoy mushrooms in various things. Both are ones a lot of people at least I know dislike a lot.

  5. onion, okra, licorice, mushroom, seafood, cilantro, brussel sprouts, broccoli, dark chocolate

    I never understand how some of the best foods on earth are many people’s least favorites

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