I am Facebook friends with this seemingly awesome guy from high school, and I recently took a chance and messaged him. I felt awkward as a female reaching out to a guy like that, but his friend and a few of mine talked me into going for it.

We’ve been messaging back and forth, every couple hours, for a day or so. Having messaged him first I’m really paranoid that he’s just being nice. He responds to my messages with thoughtful replies and then follows up with a second message and usually a question to keep the convo going. Do you think there’s any chance he’d be doing this just to be nice if he weren’t interested? And how long should this go on before someone acknowledges interest or suggests a date?

  1. Yo ALL humans are fucking dumb. I’ve learned being straight forward goes along way. Just tell him you have a crush. Or just straight up ask if he wants to go on a date. Worse case scenario? You don’t talk to him again. No skin off your bones you know? Best case he’s awesome and your dating an amazing person. In-between you satiate your curiosity, gain a friend or just nothing. All are ok in this senerio.

  2. Impossible to tell

    You’ve already taken the first step, maybe take the leap and just ask him out or drop a few hints you might be interested🤷‍♂️

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