Well we spent all of our uni years together, I, that friend (A) and one more girl (M). A had always been less available since she got a bf but we were adjusting, working through it so it was all good. This summer she moved to a different country. I and M went to her graduation, helped her move her stuff while her bf was away. We were already close but that last month we were bonding. Crying at the airport and making promises of keeping in touch.

September comes and she and her bf fly over for one week. They land in our city, we see them for a night. During that night they make plans in front of us with her male cousin and his gf to visit them in their village. We’re sitting there but not invited.Her bf and we are suggesting to A to spend one more day with us but she doesn’t want to, she wants to go straight to her parents house with him. So we don’t see her at all.

Anyway she doesn’t call much, we talk from time to time. I don’t initiate much because I feel weird but M does. At some point we tell her we’re planning a trip during summer abroad, ask her if she wants to join. She’s like no I want to visit home during summer, be in my home country. I don’t say anything. Then M is telling her they’re growing apart and she gets defensive. Like what do you want me to do, you’re not calling either, it’s only normal since we’re in different phases.

Yesterday, we make videocall and she is like I’m going to come to Greece ( homecountry) for 10 days in the Easter and then in July for a girls wedding. So M is suggesting to her to spend a few days here in our city and she is negative. She doesn’t want to. So we won’t be seeing her at all during summer either. She’s then saying she’s planning a trip with some unknown people to Indonesia the coming October

I mean I don’t have high standards but she seems like she doesn’t even care if we’re growing apart and doesn’t feel the need to see us. She’s not a bad person, like at all, and I know she doesn’t have other friends. I think she’s content with her boyfriend

There’s one thing I don’t understand though. The switch. How can she be crying and be a friend, and in 5 months feel absolutely no need to see us? And what am I supposed to do now? I love her, I want her to be okay but honestly I feel hurt. And bitter

So when she is calling I’m not genuinely looking forward to connect anymore. M is saying she’s hurt but wants to keep the occasional phonecall with her just because they had been friends for so many years

I wish I could be so chill and feel the same. Am I too emotional about it? Should I try to desensitize about it and keep her in my life? It’s all too sudden

tl;dr: Friend of 7 years left for abroad and doesn’t call much, doesn’t make plans to meet me when she’s in our homecountry, nor make a trip together. What am I supposed to do?

1 comment
  1. Yep. You’re way too emotionally invested now. Perhaps you’ve just never considered it? But fact is? Our friends when we are at school and uni? Rarely last longer term. If we are really lucky? We keep one or 2 friends. Many people by 35, 40 + have totally different friends than they had at 24.

    Its normal. Especially those first years out in the “big wide world”

    We naturally change heaps in our 20s. We are totally different people at 30 then 20. Normal. Even if we do the same degree? We end up with different jobs in different places which take us in different directions. That’s life and that’s normal.

    You may just have to let her go. As we say “Christmas card” only. Just keep in very basic touch. And maybe down the line? You might reconnect.

    I’m in my 50s and have several past friends this has happened with. We didnt keep in contact for 20+ years!! But reconnected over more recent years and its great! Others? That i would have said at 22 we’d be friends for life? I’ve completely lost contact with. Another? We really were besties… We reconnected but it just hasn’t worked out well. She’s very different now (as i am too) We keep in basic contact but that’s it.

    So my advice? Just keep in basic contact. She might “come back” to you? She may not. Just accept that is life and move on.

    You’re young and this is all part of really growing into adult life. It’s somewhat sad. But thats life. Ups and downs.

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