And lost a bunch of weight before they met, or started to lose weight as they got to know each other.

  1. Well if she isnt anymore then that shows that shes developed the willpower to maintain a healthier lifestyle. I used to not take good care of myself as well, but now i do a much better job. So i wouldnt want to be judged for my poor lifestyle in the past.

  2. My current SO was much bigger prior to us meeting – she lost over 80 lbs. I don’t even recognize some photos of her to be honest

    I, personally, saw it as a sign of her determination, ability to follow through, commitment to herself etc and thought it was a good thing, but I definitely know guys who think a woman will put it back on or something.

    I have a pretty healthy lifestyle so we’ve both remained healthy/lost weight since meeting

  3. I think it should depend on your own physicality and the things you find attractive

  4. well considering we have something in common i’d be happy we have something in common right off the bat.

  5. There’s more to a relationship than body weight. If she lost some then good for her. I’d still put one over her regardless, just change the body position a bit.

  6. So she used to be overweight but did the hard work and now she’s not? She’s shown commitment, drive, sacrifice, and will power? Yeah, those are qualities I look for.

  7. If she hasn’t maintained herself in a state of peak physical and mental perfection for her entire life, I don’t want to know her.

  8. Something in common right off the bat, a great start this might go somewhere.

  9. Weight goes up and down, it’s no big deal unless there’s an expectation she’s going to add 10 stone and be grossly overweight.

    A stone or two here and there makes no odds.

  10. I’ve been with people whose weight fluctuated through about six dress sizes. I can’t say it ever bothered me in terms of the physical. More the psychological. If she was putting on weight, was she unhappy? Is there anything I could do to make her happier?

  11. As someone who has had weight management issues myself, I absolutely adore a woman that has taken steps to get their health back on track. In fact, I have a second date tonight with a beautiful woman that has a history of significant weight loss and it inspires me to be in her presence knowing she has the strength to tackle the problem and be successful at it!

  12. 80% of people who successfully lose at least 10% of their body weight will gradually regain it to end up as large or even larger than they were before. Guys need to be aware of that fact – also the underlying reason why the person lost that weight is important. I’ve know both guys & girls who do it because “I don’t look good and I’m not having any luck at dating” That’s a problem because after they get someone – they let themselves go. If the reason for their weight loss is HEALTH then I think the person will be more driven to maintain their new body weight.

  13. I would be all for it. It shows strength of character and spirit.

    To be honest; bodytype isn’t all that important to me. More their attitude and spirit. I am a pretty active person and am also looking for that in a potential partner.

  14. If she is smaller now, great. If she is still overweight and trying to lose it, great on her, but I will pass.

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