Drinking straight from the tap is commonplace in America; doing this in a less developed country is not a good idea because it is often not clean.

  1. Relative adherence to traffic laws? Definitely not saying people drive good here or that everyone follows the laws, but it’s generally not total unregulated pandemonium in the streets.

  2. * General ability to trust police / the justice system.
    * 24 hour availability for common items via gas stations and Walmart.
    * Trusting any food or drinks you buy to be safe without having to look closely.

    Also, not really simple or little, but (in my few experiences) our consulates/embassies are frickin’ great at helping Americans abroad. If, 2000 years ago, the proudest boast in international context was “civis romanus sum,” today it’s very clearly “I’m an American.” It will get the attention of any official involved.

    *Edit: lol, downvotes. Wait until you have everything (including passport) stolen in a foreign country and need to deal with local police.*

  3. Some places don’t even have electricity 24/7. Or clean water. What about a sewage system? Those 3 seem pretty taken for granted here.

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