I fear im allergic to latex or something, as I’ve been getting a very itchy rash the last few times my girlfriend and I have been together. Thing is, I can’t find any latex free 69mm condoms.

So, we’re looking for an alternative that is non hormonal. From what I’ve been able to find, there isn’t any alternatives on the market yet, not even any trials near me.

She’s afraid of getting a copper iud, as it’s supposed to hurt and make her period heavier/worse. But what other options are there.

We’re open for any suggestions.

And no, a vasectomy isn’t reversible so I won’t get one yet

  1. The copper IUD is the best non hormonal method available but I understand not wanting to get one. Periods suck enough as it is.

    What about female/internal condoms? They’re usually non-latex and shouldn’t irritate the penis as it’s not hugging it the way a male condom does becuase they’re a tube you push into the vagina.

  2. Pull out and cycle tracking has worked for me for almost ten years. I know it’s controversial but it honestly is the best thing for me

  3. Anecdotal – but I found the copper IUD made my periods longer, but much less heavy – this was the same for the three I had…so over a 15yr span

  4. I’ve been tracking my ovulation + using the withdrawal method for the past 1 1/2 years and haven’t had a pregnancy scare yet. I use the app FLO and Natural Cycles and don’t have sex on the blue days.

  5. I have an arm implant and it is amazing. It made my period heavy for a bit (as to be expected) then it evened out and things went back to normal. I would highly recommend that.

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