So let me explain the story the best I can. I’ve been friends with this girl for about 3 years. About a year ago I started to catch feelings for her but never told her because she was in a relationship that I thought she enjoyed. It turns out the guy was toxic and she broke up with him before New Year’s Eve. Well me and this girl then end up at the same New Years party and I confessed that I had feelings for her and she said she has feelings for me too. We talk throughout the night and talk about getting into a relationship when the time is right. The next week we continue talking about what we plan to do and then a few days later we kiss for the first time. We then tell eachother we want to start a relationship. But now ever since that day she has started to seem distant towards me (ex. Not texting me back very often, not wanting to hang out alone but instead in groups, hanging out with other guys she’s dated in the past) and last night I asked her if she has lost feeling and she said “I don’t know right now”. I just don’t know what to do as I have been dreaming of being in a relationship with her for so long and now it seems to falling apart. Is there anyway I can save this with her?

TLDR: Girl says she wants relationship after we confess to liking eachother and now has gone distant

1 comment
  1. When you discussed “when the time is right”… Well, wasn’t it THAT time that is now past? Talking about becoming in the future… What’s the point? Sounds like little kids making a wishful promise. If you like each other or just want to try then go for it. It isn’t a promise to make it happen in the future.

    About the present…
    There can be some silly things going such as wanting to play hard to get, wanting you to make the moves to win her. Or indeed she might not be that much interested in you, but if you are interested yourself then go chase a it more.

    If none of you put the effort into it then it is not going to magically happen.

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