A few days ago my female best friend told me, that she was planning on breaking up with her boyfriend. She sounded quite confident in her decisions so I just gave some advice for timing and organisation stuff, because they live together.

I texted her today and asked if there were any news about this case. She replied that they have talked a lot and didn’t break up in the end.

I’m kinda angry know, because her main reason is pity. He doesn’t have any other social contacts and sees no reason in having other friends and she is afraid that he is going to be lonely and depressed.

He is an adult grown man and even a feeeew years older than her. My fear is that he knows exactly how dependent he is on her and that she isn’t depending on him… That he is manipulating her. She is very smart but kinda naive.

I don’t know for sure, tho… I can’t really do something about it, can I?

  1. Nah you can’t really do anything because if you push her to break up with him it might seem like you doing because you care for her as more than friends and that can cause her to cut contact with you.You just have let her realize what he’s doing on her own(assuming what you’re saying is true and her bf is being manipulative).Just keep being her friend and be supportive rather you agree or not with her decision to stay

  2. Well, that sucks. He probably is manipulating her and it’s going to be a while before she learns her lesson. All you can do is listen and be a good friend and tell her to pay attention to how she feels in the relationship.

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