As a mid-thirties fellow who’s trying very hard to learn how to love myself more, I can’t help but feel like loving yourself and being confident in who you are just feels like a false sense of arrogance and being better than others. How do you guys learn to love (or even just like) yourselves without feeling arrogant?

  1. you may be better than others in hobby x or thing y – but you arent better than them as a person. thats a huge difference.

    also stay humble.. cause there is always someone who does x and y better than you – and even someone who is “below” you in x or y … may be very good in z.

  2. Gratitude and helping others can counter such feelings. But mathematically, anyone who’s asking the question probably isn’t.

  3. Stay kind to others. The more you help others to grow the less you look down on them/place yourself on the high horse.

    The fact you are already reflecting and asking these questions shows you are the opposite of an arrogant person. You‘ve got this.

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