So I met a girl on the street a couple months ago, went up to her and got her ig (I was new to the area, so I said I’m looking to make new friends in the surrounding), and we met up a few times.

We went out to a theme park, to dinner, and to an art gallery together. We text almost every day, but not very frequently, just on and off messages. She does initiate convos as well and sends ig posts to me, and we banter quite a bit for fun.

Yesterday, we went out to a picnic and a bar. Was supposed to be short but we spent more than 4 hours together. I really enjoy spending time with her, and I feel like our convos flow well. I don’t get v physical with her (cause she didn’t seem into it when I tried holding her hand the first time we went out), so I keep it very light when crossing the street or sth.

I asked her if she wanted to go candle making or tufting together next week, and she was very excited abt it and said she’d love to.

At the end of it, I walked her back home and when we reached, I said “so idk how you see this, but I like spending time with you and I wanna take you out on a date next week.”

She told me, “I’m sorry, but I’m not ready to date people right now. We can hang out as friends tho.”

I don’t know what to make of this.

We’ve talked about ex’s before and she said that her ex and her were together for almost 5 years, and broke up last year due to ldr. She said he’s the closest person she’s had but she had to end things cause they fought too much, but she doesn’t know if she’ll ever find anyone better. I don’t think she wants to get back tgr, as he’s in a different country anyways. But she also has had a situationship type guy for a brief period after that.

What should I do about this? I do like spending time with her, and I wouldn’t mind hanging out as just friends.

But how likely is it that something more will happen in the future? Should I ask her again? Or ask why she isn’t ready and if she sees potential tgr for the future? Should I continue texting her like normal? Or back off?

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