What should I do? Do I fight for him?

In 2016 I ( 18yrs at that time) was in university and I met a guy( 19yrs at that time) we became very friends and we later fell in love after some months of being in love, I suddenly got a text from him ending things without any reasons. I took the news and decided to respect his wishes, I was hurt because I thought we were in love afew weeks later he tired to reach out but I wasn’t having any of that, I ignored all attempts of him reaching out. Fast forward to 2018 he texted me on Facebook apologizing for what happened in 2015, I accepted and didn’t ask questions. We stayed in contact and texted each other afew times between 2018-2022. He suddenly called me afew days ago and I finally had the courage to ask him what really happened because I was under the impression that he didn’t love me and was playing games, to my surprise the answer he gave me had nothing to do with what I thought. He still loves me and I just realized I never stopped loving him but his in a relationship.
TL;DR What should I do?

  1. So he is with someone else? What is there to “fight for”?? Do you not see how horrible it would be for him to drop his current gf to “be with you”?

  2. It really depends on the reason he ended it before and if you think that reason could come up again.

  3. If it was me I’d give it a go.
    If it doesn’t work out I’d rather walk away knowing I gave it a chance and it didn’t work than to be thinking what if for the next few years.

    It might work out you could end up married or you could end up broken hearted.

  4. I wouldn’t even entertain this thought if he’s already in a relationship. It’s wildly inappropriate for him to be confessing his love to you if he’s already in a relationship. Please, be careful. Someone’s going to get hurt here.

  5. I would personally run, if only because he is clearly talking to you and trying to rekindle things behind his current SO’s back and will almost certainly do the same to you eventually.

  6. No dount in 2016 there was another girl, now fast forward he’s board again in this relationship and now trying to have some fun. If you go with him you will be counting the days until he finds another side girl the whole situation is a red flag. If you love someone you don’t just dump them, he just wants what he can’t have. Block him and move on.
    Sounds like he’s the type who doesn’t like to be alone so just hops from one relationship to the next.

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