My girlfriend and her mom are ready to meet me but we are 2 months in, so i don’t know if it’s too early and wait just a little more, or to meet her family at this moment? I need help and advice

I don’t know what to do, I feel ready and i do want to meet her family, but i don’t know if it’s too early in the relationship. But at the same time i kind of believe that if we wait a little longer it would somewhat “safer” of us working. Please help a man out:(

  1. How old are you? I only ask this because 2 months in if you’re like 18? Sure. 2 months in and 38? A na from me

  2. Personally, I prefer not to meet my partners’ parents at all. I find that having a relationship with the family really adds nothing of value to a romantic relationship.

  3. Do what YOU want to do. My GF was always ahead of me on relationship milestones but I waited until I was ready (aka both of us). Now we’re married.

  4. There is no “too early”. Meeting someone’s family is really not a big deal. I had several family meeting on first date.

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