I have a group of friends (6) and oftentimes will shoot an invitation to our group text looking to do something.

Even if it is an invitation for the next day, the people in the group don’t respond. Oftentimes they are putting off a response to “evaluate their options.” Other times they just don’t respond at all.

This is a major pet peeve of mine. I find it really rude to not respond and it makes me feel devalued as a friend. “Evaluating your options” makes me feel like you’re waiting for something better to come up because you don’t really want to hang out with me. If you want to do something else, then send a text saying you can’t make it.

Do others feel the same way about this? Am I overreacting?

  1. I feel the same way about not getting a text back as well especially since something like 97% of texts are seen within the first hour. The evaluate your options thing makes sense because it’s something we all do.

  2. I feel the same way too , there is nothing to be overreacting here ,sometimes ppl run out of basic coutrsey to say I will be busy or something like that

  3. Depends on what the group is for. And the kind of invitation. I usually don’t respond in a group chat if it’s a no or if i don’t know. I try to always answer if it’s an invitation directed at me.

  4. Not responding is the polite way of saying no to a lot of people. It’s admittedly easier than coming up with an excuse on the spot. It can make it hard to plan things, but you can give yourself a cutoff time. Like 12 hours before the event, assume the only people going are the ones who have said yes by then

  5. Just text them all separately if you want them to attend. I notice that more people respond better when they are texted outside of a group chat.

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