I’m not sure where my ex’s head is at…

I’m not sure where my exes head is at… we broke up because of communication issues and just him not being able to see through PAST issues we’ve had.

Once i bit the bullet and said this should be over, we didn’t speak for a week until he broke no contact and reached out which made me feel even more confused and worse emotional wise. we established to have no contact for about a month, and he’s just been saying how he’s very confused and figuring out his emotions. he was saying he wants space and time apart to re-evaluate the good and the bad in our relationship then talk about it after the month or so.

i established the boundary on how we can’t be friends because I personally find being friends with an ex as a red flag, so I just told him I wanted to block him to heal and he freaked out begging me not to block him. Saying he really wants that window open to talk to me if he needs once everything is figured out because he kept saying he’s still trying to figure out that aspect.

Yeah we ended things and it’s been 3 weeks and i’m now feeling somewhat level headed, I just can’t help but want to try again, but he’s confused and i’m worried that he might not want to try again… obviously i’m trying to accept that aspect. but at the same time i don’t know what to do and what is best for me to do in this situation i won’t be reaching out cause he’s the one confused so I feel its only fair for him to reach out – I want to work through this with him if he is willing and of course i want to work on myself so i’m strong enough to handle him saying no… but idk what to do, all i know now is i want it to work out, and see if this break could benefit us if we try again. I just don’t understand when I pull away he starts freaking out saying me not to, but then goes on about how he’s confused… Then posts on his social media things stating how he misses me but doesn’t reach out cause he must still be confused. And of course my mind wonders to him with other girls which it shouldn’t matter but I’m just making myself feel worse doing that…

What do you think is the best for me to do, i know i need to heal and it takes time… but with everything i’ve gathered what’s your opinions in this situation…?

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