Women of Reddit what food did you hate as a child that you love now?

  1. Brussel sprouts. My dad used to boil them and barely salt them. Now I roast them and glaze them with balsamic vinegar and brown sugar.

  2. I was never a fan of tahdig (Persian word) which is the leftover crispy rice that you find at the bottom of the pot. For some reason I just didn’t like the texture.

    I started loving it once I was in my teens.

  3. Pumpkins. I did not like it because it was too hard,then I lived in the province with the tastiest,softest pumpkins ever and I love it now!

  4. Most of it tbh lol
    I was always a super picky eater, and just a few years ago I realized how arbitrary my food exclusions were (and that it might just be part of my OCD). I’ll try pretty much anything these days, although ideally I do want to go vegetarian or even vegan.

  5. Asparagus. Would not touch it as a child, love it now. The only downside is the smell when you go pee after.

  6. pretty much everything. I grew out of most of my food issues.

    except lychees. they still remind me of eyeballs đź‘€

  7. Eggplant. A friend of mine from Turkey taught me how to actually prepare it and changed everything

  8. Edamame. They smack. Used to taste like I was eating lawn clippings to me but something changed I guess.

  9. Onions and garlic. I didn’t realize how much flavour they provide to dishes until I had to live and cook by myself

  10. Avocado and coffee. Had an epiphany with avocado some years ago. And now I fucking love it. And coffee, well, college…

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