Like it says, I want to know the most typical way mums scold you after you snuck out as a teenager or got into trouble at school. I’m writing a dialogue in a comedy and I want it to be very funny for a primarily British audience. Anything at all is much appreciated, thank you.

  1. Honestly depends on the demographic of family you are writing for.

    A middle class mothers scolding would sound very different than a scolding from a working class mother.

  2. “Just you wait til your dad gets home”.

    Don’t know if it was just my mum but she refused to discipline us. She’d wait until my dad got in from work and then got him to bollock us.

  3. “its like blackpool illuminations in here” when i leave all the lights on

  4. ‘If X jumped off a cliff, would you!?!’

    Rights of passage for any child, that one

  5. Any time I suggested going for a job which wasn’t 100% on a desk “You’ve got a death wish! A death wish!”

  6. After everything I’ve done to raise you, you did this behind my back…
    Something along those lines maybe

  7. What did your last servant die of?

    Do you think we live in a barn?

    There’s children starving in Africa.

    This is going to hurt me more than it hurts you.

  8. Pack it in, or I’ll knock your block off!

    (Not that she ever actually hit us)

  9. “Make sure you put a coat on, your kidneys will get cold”

    “Don’t bend over in that skirt unless you want to come back pregnant”

  10. Because I said so.
    (When I accidentally kick something) That’s the devil.
    Starving children in Africa (we lived in South Africa)

  11. I’m starving!
    No you’re not, children in Africa are starving, you are just hungry!

    Definitely the full name used. Made me panic.

    Do you have something to tell me? Always scared me as I knew I’d done something wrong but didn’t know which one she had found out about!

  12. Secretly playing video games late at night, she gets out of bed and finds you mid game

  13. All the pens we’ve got in this house, why can I never find one when I need one?

  14. Not so much a scolding, but I was always told when crying ‘Carry on, the more you cry, the less you’ll wee!’

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