I 18M have been talking to Maria 18F and at the start conversation was flowing and everything seemed to be going great with her. We would text for hours and the conversations never go dull. We would not be texting constantly since we are both preoccupied with our own life’s but whenever I got the chance to respond to her messages I would reply and I imagine that it was the same for her. Eventually she ended up wanting to meet up and we went on our first date. It went amazing, I picked her up from work and gave her some flowers than took her to one of my favorite family owned restaurants in my area and than we went to a nature trail in the area so that we could walk and see nature. I felt like I really liked her at the end of the date and wanted to try to pursue something more with her. She also told me that she had an an amazing time and her friend Ana (she was the friend we had in common before meting each other) texted me saying that Maria told her that she had an really fun time and that there would be a second date. A few days go by and we keep on talking but one day I put on my Instagram story something along the lines of “who wants to go to the concert coming up next week?”. I did it so that she would reply and we could see each other again in the concert. She did reply to it but so did other girls before her. I’m a person that likes to joke around a lot so when she replied to it I said something along the lines of “sorry, looks like she beat you to it” and sent her a SS of a girl that I have never spoken to saying that she wants to go with me. She responded with “fine go with her than” and me than realizing the mistake that I had just committed decided to apologize if there was any misunderstanding and that I just did it in a joking manner since in reality I wanted to go with her. She said that it was okay and not to worry about it but something told me that she was bothered still. The next day we barely even talked and I noticed her starting to be more distant with me. I tried asking her if she was ok and she was just leaving me on delivered. So I decided to speak with Ana about it and she recommended for me to go to her job and give her a little meaningful gift. Which I did, I bought her a little teddy bear and also a bag full of her favorite candies. she seemed like this caught her very unexpectedly but said thank you and accepted my gift as well as saying that she forgives me. But after the day she its back to being distant and not wanting to talk as much. I decided to ask her if I can talk to her since I did not want things to be over with her because of a silly mistake and she basically send me an explanation of how she felt about the whole situation and that it really bothered her because it made her feel like she was in a competition and she did not want to feel like that. I told her I understood her POV and apologized once again for my actions and promised that I would not do anything like that again in the future. I thought that things would go back to normal after sending that message but she kept on being distant and ignoring my messages. I stopped texting her and decided to give her some space and the next day I realized that she had unfollowed me from IG and removed me as a follower form her private account. This caught me completely by surprise since I thought things would end up getting better after everything I tried but my efforts proved futile. I don’t want things to be over with her but at the same time I do not want to seem needy by attempting to message her again so I really don’t know what do do if anything is possible to try to get things to go to how they were before?


Edit: Sorry for the awful formatting this is my first reddit post and I’m genuinely just looking for advice on what I should do next

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