Can my employer find out if I have another job If I haven’t told them?

  1. No, but check your contract/ employee policy to declare any secondary employment. It maybe a conflict of interest.

  2. They’d get an idea based on your tax code possibly.

    My tax code is different and has never come up with any employer though.

  3. Check your contract that you aren’t in breach through working for another company but it’s mainly aimed at the same sector.
    In regards to would they know, doubt it

  4. I told my work about my second job, it was in my contract so there isn’t conflict of interest.

  5. You need to declare a second job to the hrmc, I don’t know if this would change your tax code, but if the tax code your employer is using doesn’t match what they are paying you, they may deduce that you have other income.

  6. No, not directly. Your tax code may change but there are many other reasons your tax code might change with your employer (e.g. you have other income coming in e.g. rental income).

  7. They may notice the taxcode, but if you’re already a high earner it won’t matter.

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