So I 28F had sex with a friend 23M and it was amazing! I only ever really went for older guys in my life but this guy really showed everyone up it’s literally the best sex I have ever had. He got me off and made me squirt 5 times. I have squirted before but this time it actually felt good. And I have never orgasmed through penetrative sex until he made me, it was great. But he has been acting strange I enjoy going down on my partners and Have never had an issue getting them to finish from oral. Except for him , he says it was because he wanted to have sex doggy style and he finished that way but now when we talk dirty through text he says I can’t handle so does this mean I was not good for him? Or does it gross out guys when a girl squirts? He also had a bit of trouble getting hard after he went down on me and while I was giving oral. I want to ask but don’t want to make it seem like I like him or anything. This has really taken a hit on my self esteem and I really want the chance to redeem myself but he has pulled back a lot should I just leave it alone and move on? Am I being a big baby?

  1. Does he know you’re just friends with benefits? Maybe that’s the weird part for him. He wants to be more? Doesn’t hurt to talk to him.

    ‘I don’t want to sound nosey.. but I noticed that there was times you didn’t seem to be 100% into it like I was. If you don’t feel comfortable or something, you can let me know! Any issues at all.’

    Don’t make it like you are calling him out or trying to pressure him. Sometimes the friends with benefits isn’t for everyone.

  2. Thats what i am unsure of, what is his goal what he wants out of this? He likes to mention how he has soo many other options of women who go up to him but he initiated things with me. So I am going to have to straight out ask.

  3. It could be so many things and 100% of them could be nothing to do with you at all! I would try to have a conversation and see if he will open up. If not try not to worry if he doesn’t initiate any longer then move on. You don’t need to waste your time on someone that’s not completely into you 😉

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