As above, specifically a vibrator because it gives a amazing orgasm.

Also do you find using it makes it harder to cum from PIV sex with your partner?

My partner has always been easy to give an orgasm too, fingers can get her off, 3 minutes off sex can get her off, kind of concerned our new vibrator purchase will make it harder for me to make her cum from other methods.

  1. Some people think that vibrators kill sensitivity. In my experience it’s not the vibrator, but how you use it. Using it on the highest setting and clamping your legs shut around it every day for years can train your sexual response to need a certain level of stimulation, just like like death grip. But I don’t think you have anything to worry about, she already has orgasms in different ways during sex so she already has a varied and flexible sexual response. In fact, the vibe could make it easier for her to orgasm during sex in positions that make it hard to access her clitoris with your hands.

  2. For me, I love PIV with my SO, literally nothing beats him thrusting in and out of me and I masturbate alone a lot. My personal view is it doesn’t kill sensitivity but then again my partner and I both have high sex drives and he could literally turn me on by walking 🤣🤣🥵

  3. Vibe hasn’t affected my ability to orgasm with my partner and I’ve used one for decades.

    Agree with But_I_Digress. I don’t use it for hours on end or on the highest setting. 2 to 10 minutes depending on which one I’m using and I’m done.

    Masturbation is nowhere near as satisfying to me so it doesn’t reduce my interest in partnered sex at all.

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