Long story short I worked primarily in tech since the early 2000’s and after my own mental health issues and a career roller coaster, I found myself in a different industry this past 12 months.
So it is with pants filling despair that I logged on to the living hellscape that is LinkedIn in 2023 this weekend to see dozens of my former colleagues announcing they are getting laid off.

Some of the stories about how some massively reputable companies (a to z) are handling the process are frankly disgusting and that is adding more fuel to my anti-capitalism fire.

I’m in the EU so I know they’ll be relatively taken care of, however once the end of Feb comes round and that last pay check is in the bank the reality will hit them. They say try not to take it personally but having been through it twice myself, I don’t think they appreciate the shock that is about to hit them and I don’t envy their road ahead.

I’m sitting here wondering what I can do to help them so I’m writing up LinkedIn recommendations for them and sharing their profiles.

Anyone able to suggest anything else I could do for them?

  1. This is really nice of you to offer, OP. I think the biggest thing you can do is what you’ve already got in motion – offer them help (if they want it) and reach out to any connections who may be able to get them hired.

    Mind me asking what you transitioned into as a new career? I’m in tech and also pondering a move.

  2. I’m one of these casualties.

    My job was a mix of technical project and program management. For the last 6 months, I was killing it at work. Got a great performance review and was just put in charge of a giant, high-profile initiative.

    I found out via a Zoom call on Wednesday of last week that my entire division was being eliminated. It was a complete shocker with 0 notice or indication this was happening.

    All the LinkedIn stuff is super helpful and appreciated. Likes, comments, and shares boost the algorithm and the odds of connecting with someone with an opportunity.

    What I’ve appreciated especially is people letting me know any companies where they have connections and can refer me.

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