I’ve been feeling really left out and abandoned by my friends. I’ve known them for a while and while I’d like to have friends, I feel like they’ve forgotten me as I’ve been going through health problems. Starting in the holiday season I start getting sick and going through rough times. My grandfather passed suddenly from cancer, which devastated me. One of my friends who I felt most comfortable with asked to fill out something for someone’s assignment not even 24 hours after he passed.

In December I started getting a lot of health problems that I’m still dealing with. Leaving me very anxious and depressed as well. Which I let all my friends know. I’ve been getting better recently but some days are still hard. My friends started saying “hey text me” and I would text them and a lot of the times they would not respond, until I got sick again and then they would talk to me. I’ve been wanting to hangout for while with them, something chill or go to the beach. Two weeks ago, I was talking to a friend in the group about being sad and being hurt by someone who made fun of me when my grandfather died because I couldn’t go to the beach with them.

That week I was feeling healthy, and I had energy. Never in my life I would have expected this to happen. My friend that I cried to that night decided to make beach plans for a few days later with my other “friends”, and I was not invited. I found out last week, after I’ve been reaching out to my “friends” to talk to for a while now. I told her it hurt me that they went without me. She kind of apologized. I’ve been trying to plan to hang out with them or pick a day before I started getting sick and then they would be busy, but not too busy to hang out with each other. I’m tired of being treated poorly by them, I want to speak up and address somethings, but I don’t know how. I truly feel like I have no friends.

  1. I’m so sorry you’re feeling like this. Some people just can’t handle hearing really devastating or heavy type news. It’s like it overflows their empathy meter or something and people get uncomfortable.

    The problem is you can’t really force friendship on people. Is there something you can do for yourself that you love? You gotta be your own best friend at the end of the day.

  2. They are shitty friends! I would distance myself from them because why would you want to be close to people that were not there for you when you’re at your lowest? Let them go!

  3. Some people just don’t know how to be around people who have an illness. They don’t know what to say, what’s okay to ask and what’s not. So instead of talking to you they just stay away. I’m so sorry you are sick, and I’m sorry your friends are not responding well to you. Hopefully they will come around, but if they dont…maybe start looking for some new friends. Enjoy the days you are physically and mentally able to doing things you love with or without them. Life is too short to spend it trying to be Friends with people who just can’t concern themselves with you. I hope you get better soon.

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