The girl (22F) I (28M) was sleeping with announced to me that she was moving into the apartment /room next door to mine. Then, on the day after she moved in, she told me that she doesn’t think it’s gonna work between us, but now doesn’t want to move.

We live in a rural community of shared houses and cabins among about 40 people. We have all the same friends. We had been friends for ~1 year, and sleeping together for about 3 weeks when she told me she was taking the room quite literally next door. You can hear everything that happens from both rooms very clearly, including conversations, coughs, and basically every footstep.

I feel super uncomfortable and heartbroken. She didn’t talk to me before signing the papers for the new space. She just announced it as if it was certain. I was surprised, but happy. She said if it doesn’t work out then she would move somewhere else. But now she doesn’t want to.

She cited an minor argument we had as the reason for breaking up.

I feel like my space has been invaded and I’m also heartbroken and finding it hard to stop thinking about her as she’s so close. I also feel awkward about inviting any new potential partners over as she will hear us. And vice versa, the thought of her and someone else dating so close to me feels traumatic.

She said she feels bad, and wants to maintain a friendship. I feel trapped and heartbroken. I would consider moving but the thing is my place is literally perfect and I was so happy here before she moved in so close. We share a bathroom, and our bedrooms are separated only by the floor.

I still love her and don’t know what to do. This is heartbreaking. Should I try to reconnect with her and keep loving her? Or should I cut the emotional rope, and encourage her to find a new space to live? Or something else?

TLDR: girl I was seeing moved in next door and then broke up with me

  1. You can’t control other people, you can only control yourself. I don’t think encouraging her to move will do anything other than cause arguments. I think the best thing to do it to try and get some mental distance and move on. You will lose feelings for her soon enough.

  2. That sucks, but it kinda sounds like she saw how perfect your place was and decided she wanted an equally perfect place. Can’t really blame her for that, though i wouldn’t really consider her much of a friend at this point either.

    Just do your best to pretend she don’t exist, take her indifference about this as a sign that she isn’t good for you at all and try to be glad that you are broken up/moving on.

  3. That’s wack and I’d hate it too my man. Sorry to hear. Seems like some weird moves on her part.

  4. > I also feel awkward about inviting any new potential partners over as she will hear us.

    So what? That’s her problem.

    > sleeping together for about 3 weeks

    > I still love her

    She probably didn’t want any part of dealing with you catching feels. She just wanted to hookup with no baggage.

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