I just starting using kik and found really nice girl (I thought) and now she want to pay her by PayPal (I don’t have account on that) and she threatens me that she will post my pictures online.

Edit: There is photo of my face but not with me naked. And how to find this post if she post it? I know only a content of this post. Thanks all for advices. I really appreciate it. Now she just made another fake account and she just continue to threatens me.

  1. Kik is bad news all around, I wouldn’t ever trust it or people from it. However given the context, report it on the site, and feel free to make a police report and give them the details, as it is blackmail and nearly revenge porn

  2. and another advice!!!!
    never show your face when doing anything online with people you don’t know.

  3. Unless you’re famous and easily recognised or there’s a vendetta against you – don’t worry. Remove their access to you and move on with your life. They only prey on the fear of others, as soon as you remove yourself your photos are rendered useless.

  4. How many millions of pictures are online? Of how many different things? Who would be interested enough in a picture of you to search for it or find it? If it was me, I would tell her to go ahead, post it,and leave me alone. Then as suggested, I would block her and forget the whole thing and move on.

  5. Ha. I would love to have this threat. Ill give them email addresses. I don’t care. What is seen cannot be unseen and I know how I look. Sorry man

  6. Ignore her. She’s a scammer trying to get.money. If you don’t have naked pics with your face in it, there’s nothing to gain.

    As others have said, she prays on people’s fears for money. Report and then block.

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