What subject matter makes you angry when you read it?

  1. Anytime I read some favorable article about some new fucking development of land in my area I just think “we havn’t fucking destroyed enough land? We just HAVE to have another fucking strip mall / factory / hideous apartment complex?” And then I see red when its like… the land used to be some historic beautiful farmstead for 200 years and then decide to name the new development “Quail run farms” or some shit like that it just disgusts me.

  2. League of Legends (life ruining game, brought about anger issues and sadomasochistic tendencies that I might carry for the rest of my days)

    Politics (bad news, incompetents winning despite their audience completely losing, nothing but incompetent parties to pick from, oh I could go on…)

    Most news (it’s 90% bad and they paint it like the world is going to die tomorrow)

    Injustice that nobody does a thing about (I don’t need to explain this one I hope)

  3. Anything involving sweeping generalizations.

    Judging people based on things that have no direct effect on their personality, who they are, or something other individuals have done.

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