What do you feel about your girlfriend having a male roommate?

  1. From before we started dating, no concern. If it wasn’t an issue then, it shouldn’t be one now.

  2. I would not feel good about that at all. It could be fine. Dude could also be a total creep. I’m sure there could be circumstances where I wouldn’t mind, but in general that would sketch me out so bad.

  3. A random person? No. A good friend of hers, like 5+year friendship, that’s fine. I have no issues and trust her (this is assuming a hypothetical situation where I have a GF)

  4. That there’s a 90% chance he wants to fuck her and would, given the chance (unless he’s gay). But I just have to cross my fingers and trust her not to.

  5. not comfortable. how to proceed involves a lot of variables. it would certainly be discussed.

  6. Who cares. I trust her to be faithful to our relationship. I’m not so insecure that another guy splitting rent with her is going to throw me into a jealous mood. My wife had two male roommates when we were dating and it was fine. Respectful guys who she was friends with.

  7. If your girlfriend thinks this is alright, ask her what she would think if you took on a female roommate!

    My experience with this wasn’t good. A girl I dated for a few months had a female roommate and they took on a 3rd roomate, a guy. I finally put 2 and 2 together when I was over one evening and she was walking around in front of him with her bathrobe open, with no clothes on. Yeah, they were fucking.

  8. I’m a girl and have a guy roommate. Moved to Toronto for uni from Halifax (where the bf is). I met Roommate in our first year of classes online during covid. And we played games and actually talked outside of school projects. I asked if the bf was okay w it, it was a reluctant yes from him. None of the Girl friends I made that year were looking for roommates sadly so it was either him or a complete stranger.

    We have separate rooms, and Roommate insisted I take the ensuite bathroom since I’m the girl. It’s been a year and half and no issues! We mostly mind our own business except during exam season where we meet to cry, we sometimes watch anime together, and I never go into the living room indecent.

    Definitely I’d feel uncomfortable too if my bf roomed with a girl, so this is me putting myself in his shoes and giving him the same respect I’d want if our situation was reversed 😀

  9. Not good about it. My ex was roommates with a guy while she was interning out of state.

    Who wants to guess why we’re exes now?

  10. My ex ended up getting engaged to her male roommate, definitely not messing with that again myself.

  11. Bad news. Any situation between a guy and girl where they are often close, alone, it’s late and a bedroom is next door, unless there’s a huge looks disparity, there will be fucking sooner or later.

  12. I’ve lived in multiple types of mixed sex (or not) housing, and it almost universally lead to problems. I first start dating my wife after being FWB with her as a roommate. This happened after hooking up with a different roommate. When young, full of hormones and attractive, this shit happens.

    You all are fooling yourselves into false confidence by saying you’re cool with it. That or you actually just don’t give that much of a fuck about the relationship. This doesn’t mean your GF and male roommate can’t work, and sure not all men and women in close proximity end up fucking, but you also don’t always die playing Russian Roulette either.

    So, if your GF is in a housing situation where she needs a male room mate, really ask yourself how serious you are about this relationship and why YOU aren’t the male roommate.

  13. I had a girl with a male roommate once, turns out they were fucking the whole time and dated for several years after it ended between us.

  14. It depends on the girlfriend and the guy.

    If my GF has a male roommate whose the most flamboyant homosexual I’ve ever met. I don’t see the issue.

    If it’s her ex boy friend of 10 years who she has been on again off again with since they were 15… Absolutely not.

  15. I was the male roommate once, so I wouldn’t be thrilled about it. But then again, I’d also go tell younger me not to get mixed up with a girl who would leave her boyfriend for her male roommate.

  16. I would assess the situation after spending time with the gf and the roommate. It would be pretty obvious after hanging out with the both of them together if there was something to be concerned about.

  17. George: She’s confiding in him about our dates. You always like the person you
    talk to about the date more than the date! It’s just a matter of time till they
    realize, ‘Hey, we could have sex.’

    Jerry: What’s stopping them?

    George: Exactly! You know how they get animals to reproduce in captivity?
    They just put them in the same cage.

    Jerry: What does he look like?

    George: Oh, that’s the worst part of it. He looks just like me.

    Jerry: He looks like you and he’s working from the inside?

    George: I look like me and I’m working from the outside. Who do you think is
    in the better position?

    Jerry: Not you.

  18. If I’m insecure for not trusting a dude I don’t know, then so be it. 🤷🏾‍♂️

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