That includes messaging/texting, calling, meeting up etc.

  1. When I was a kid it needed to be everyday. Now it’s just whenever I think of them, I send them something, I don’t push it too hard because we are busier adults now

  2. My best friend lives far away and is attending medical school, but she and I still message each other at least once a day. 😊

  3. I have one friend I talk to almost everyday like I wouldn’t go more than two days talking to hers even if it’s just a few texts.

  4. texts either like once a week or nonstop for a week and then nothing for a while, but I haven’t seen them in person in years. we both live far from each other and are never in town at the same time

    still love them all the same though

  5. Everyday, most of the time. We don’t live in the same country, not even time zone, but we chat daily.

  6. When your growing up into your adulthood, you won’t get to spend time with your friends as much because people are busy..but you can still keep that connection going.

    I will check up on my friends to see what’s happening, are they okay and just for a catch up whenever.

  7. Every day as we’ve had a snap streak going for a couple of years now. We don’t text all too often unless something big is happening but we do send a lot of funny videos and stuff back and forth through social media platforms. We are both 27.

  8. We talk on the phone about once a month and will text sporadically throughout the year. We see each other only once (maybe twice) a year since we live on opposite sides of the country.

  9. I’m roommates with my bestfriend so we are constantly in each others presence. We both are very busy though since I have nursing school and she has her job. We’re usually together at night, eating dinner and swapping stories about our day.

  10. I talk to my best friend everyday. Sometimes we’ll have two separate conversations happening simultaneously…text and Instagram dm. She’s the sister I never had.

  11. It can be daily or it can be a month at a time. Depends on what we got going on in our lives. I would say it’s usually weekly on average though. I try not to go too long with out checking in with her because her dad/grandma aren’t in great health.

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