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  1. Everything was going well, they asked if I wanted to hang out on the weekend on Friday night. I said yes. On Saturday, I followed up with “hey do you still want to hang out? We can do this activity we’ve been talking about doing”. They replied with “!!” and were then typing for like 10 minutes but ultimately sent nothing else. I asked for clarification – nothing. Waited 24 hours, sent a polite “hey you all good?” And nothing. They’ve been very active on social media so they’re not just busy or not in the mood to be on their phone or whatever. I have literally no clue what happened. I’m assuming it’s a mental health thing but like… what the hell? Such a cruel and gutless way to blow someone off and for what reason? I’m just so confused. I’ll be fine, but man I wish I could make sense of this. 🙁

  2. Matched with this girl and got her number, did a phone call and was texting for about a week which was going well. Then she sends a one word reply, I continue the convo and she sends a 2 word reply. I assume she’s not interested and stop talking to her. We had plans to hang out this past Friday. She sends me a text 2 days after I stopped talking to her asking if we’re still on for Friday which I ignored.

    I don’t think I’m being too harsh, I’m not making time for someone who’s sending one/two word responses if we’re supposed to be getting to know each other and both want something serious. From prior experience, if they start texting like that going on a date is pointless as they probably have no interest already.

    And if she cared about this date, why text like she’s not interested…

  3. Dating is just such a headfuck…even when the other person’s isn’t actually doing any headfucking sort of things.

    Been on a few dates with a mutual friend (we met at the mutual friends wedding). Seems like it’s going great, but she is just busy at the moment. Legitimately. So far we’ve seen each other 3 times in like 1.5 weeks, but I won’t be able to see her again until next weekend. And I just want to see her more because I really like spending time with her at this point and I just want to see where it is going to go asap.

    She texts enough, in previous relationships there has been more, but I also like the idea of saving conversation for in person as well (we haven’t discussed communication styles).


  4. I had a miscarriage last year and my guy told me i purposely killed our baby havent been the same since.

  5. I made it to date 6! In 3 years no one has had me interested enough to make it to date #6.

  6. Been trying to focus on immersing myself in environments that have lots of single women and make me look better versus the competition.

    **New Strategy:** Dive Bars Near Gentrified Cool/Hip Area

    **Why?:** The dive bar clientele seems to be mostly rustic/hunting/fishing “wear hoodie/jeans” men and attractive young women that come to the dive bar from the gentrified surroundings. So if you are guy who cares about his appearance somewhat you will stand out.

    **Results**: Have gotten more numbers/hookups/interest than any other location, not even close. Hooked up with a girl there last leek and two seperate groups of women approached me..approached (never happens in any other environment). went there the following week and a girl came up to me and gave me her number and asked to hang out.

    For reference, I’m not super good looking and never get looks in public or get approached at nice bars/etc – but throw me in an environement where there are a lot of attractive women getting tipsy and the competition is men who just rolled out of bed in a hoodie with disheveled hair in their mid 40s+ and it makes me look like a damn supermodel apparently.

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