So im a (23M) university student, i have job that pays enough, so i was able to buy myself a new video game that i wanted for a long time now. So now my girlfriend (20F) who is also a University student says im irresponsible and i should’ve bought clothes ( i think i have enough stuff to wear). Bear in mind i still have money to pay rent and anything that needs to be payed. So i dont really understand why it bothers her.
Can you guys help?
How deescalate this situation and how to make her understand that i still have money and savings.
I tried explaining it to her that it will not affect her any way financially. But she just doesnt seem to get it.

TL;DR: bought a new video game now my gf thinks im irresponsible.

  1. She’s not your mother and frankly it’s none of her business what you spend your spare money on.

  2. She is either mad you had money to spend on yourself or wanted you to spend your money on her. Either way you need to talk about why this bothers her so much.

  3. There’s a hidden expectation that she has not communicated.

    Both of you should have a conversation about financial expectations in the relationship. It’s also important to state your finances should be and remain independent.

    You deserve to spend your money on yourself in a responsible matter. Sounds like you’re doing that. So have a conversation about money and find out what’s triggering her. Also, set an expectation on how you both will discuss money forward.

  4. Is your clothing ripped or stained? Are you missing some basics like winter boots or a rain coat?

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