I remember it was still relatively strong about 15 years ago albeit a subculture. Does it still exist? If so is it different than it used to be?


I remeber they wore stuff like collared polo shirts and like patagonia vest. Most of them were relatively
“successful” and relatively friendly atleast at face value from what i remember.


I hardly ever see this aesthetic on tv or youtube or tiktok anymore. Does it still exist among young adults?

  1. it exists but it doesnt look the same. urbanized culture and fashion has taken over and so rich kids try to look cool. they might dress more preppy for a formal occasion or a fancy party but thats about it.

    america seems to get more and more casual as the years go by.

    there was a time that you wouldnt dare go downtown without a suit and polished shoes.

  2. It exists, it’s just moved from being the preppy guy from Cape Cod, to the frat guy from the University of Alabama. Look at any fraternity in the south and you’ll find they look a lot like the preppy guys from the 90s in Massachusetts

  3. From what I can tell with my limited experience with younger preppy kids back then and nowadays, they’ve went from preppy rich kid buying nice clothes to urban youth buying designer street clothes. It’s kinda like the gangster culture some kids emulated when I was their age 10-20 years ago is now more mainstream and watered down. Everything’s more casual now, moving towards more urban styles across the board.

    Probably a bad take, though. Most kids I’ve interacted with throughout my life were and are rural and small town.

  4. Preppy as a subculture is similar to goth as a subculture, in that its mainstream popularity and availability waxes and wanes in accordance with trends, but core participants remain steadfast.

    15-20 years ago, “preppy” brands like Abercrombie & Fitch, J. Crew, and Lilly Pulitzer were popular and easily available at your local mall. They allowed the average Joe to participate in aspirational prep fashion, and participate they did–preppy fashion was huge throughout the 2000s and also the early 2010s blogosphere.

    These days it’s not in the mainstream so much–but head to Martha’s Vineyard, Nantucket, or probably any east coast fraternity or sorority and you will see it still.

    It’ll come back around.

  5. I feel like the term preppy has been replaced with chads/bros. Not exactly the same, but the Venn diagram would have a lot in the middle part.

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