Now before anyone comes on here and attacks me and says “maybe he don’t have the money or why does it matter or that I’m just being hungry” let me explain my situation.

My husband of almost 11 years has been keeping money from me since February. We got our income taxes on the 28th of February of this year. I haven’t seen a dime of it. One day while I was gone to work a few days after we got them he snuck off with our tax check and stuck all of it in his personal bank account. Every time I ask for anything, necessity or not he tells me no. Mind you, I have 30$ to my name right now because I have been paying all the bills in the house while he has been found good knows what with our income tax check. He’s gotten a new trailer for his cars, 1500 worth of useless livestock that we can’t even eat or produce from, new boots, new clothes, a dog I didn’t even need that cost 500$ because I’m already feeding enough mouths around here plus his. Oh yeah, did I mention he doesn’t have a job?! He’s been jobless for two years and refuses to get off his lazy butt and get one.

Well, tomorrow is my sons birthday but we were celebrating today. Took my son to Walmart to pick him out some toys for his birthday. My son and I discussed before about buying him a powerwheel and he was so excited about it! Got to Walmart tonight and left with no powerwheel and a crying baby because my husband threw a fit about it! Needless to say, if I didn’t have to work in the morning and get sleep I would’ve gotten his powerwheel for him because my husband would have kept me up all night wanting to fight over the fact I would’ve got it for him. I want to leave because I can’t take the financial abuse anymore but don’t want it hurting my kids. What would you do in my situation? I am just so sickened by the fact that this man who supposedly calls himself a father will go out and splurge on himself but when it comes to his kids he will put them last! That is no kind of father in my book! He is a bad father!!!!

  1. I would get a gift for them both. A toy for your son & divorce papers for your husband.

  2. Every child of divorced parents will tell you, “I wish my parents would’ve divorced sooner.” Your kid is not better off seeing y’all fight & being on the receiving end. That’s traumatizing for them. The kid senses your anxiety & absorbs your h’s behavior. Does your h struggle with bipolar by any chance? (Impulsive spending). Are things rocky $
    & is he planning his exit? He’s (financially) controlling you. Open a separate account & start stashing money in there. Talk to a therapist, they should help you & hook you up with some resources.

  3. Divorce this loser immediately! He is lazy, a leech and a not a Dad. He is a sperm donor.

    Contact an attorney. Find out what it will take to get his unemployed ass out of the house.

  4. This is financial abuse. Talk to a lawyer immediately to understand your options and hopefully you can divorce his ass very soon.

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