I live in California and after Roe overturned, I have a noticed a lot of billboards popping up in my area that tells people how abortion will continue to be safe and legal here. The biggest one I’ve seen is when you come off Oakland airport you will be greeted by a giant billboard that “welcomes you to California, a state that protects abortion rights”. Have similar billboards like these been coming up in your area?

  1. I live in rural West Michigan

    The only abortion billboards I see are the ones with photos of healthy 12 month old baby on them talking about how “you wouldn’t kill me would you 👉🥺👈”. It’s almost always right next the billboard with the photo of little old lady on it saying how “her life is precious and we can’t let her kill herself”

    Which then just me think, if a woman can’t be trusted with the right to choose to end a pregnancy because it effects another ‘life’, old people also can’t be trusted with the right to choose how they end *their own life?*

  2. No, but I wish they would. We need some abortion protections.

    People think Alabama is bad now. Just wait until a few years with no abortion services.

  3. Not that I’ve noticed, but I’m not too worried about it in my area. I imagine we’ll have our own protections in place should it become neccesary without too much fuss.

  4. There’s a guy who has driven around the mall with pictures of abortions on his truck for like 25 years. There’s not many billboards in general here.

  5. No, but I’d support it and would love to see the reaction of some of the people that live here.

  6. Maine doesn’t allow billboards, checkmate all political groups.

    I think Hawaii is the only other state with a full ban.

    NH hasn’t fully banned them but they are largely restricted.

  7. I’ve seen people online say that we should make our “Welcome to” signs say something like “Welcome to NM, we have green chile, weed, and abortions” but that’s only online. The commercials for governor candidates mentioned abortion but I don’t think I’ve seen any billboards

  8. I’ve seen one, it’s been there since roe v wade was overturned, it’s basically across the street from a planned parenthood, so presumably they’re paying for it.

    It just says “abortion is legal in Minnesota, it’s still your right.” Or something along those lines.

  9. We have one that says “Welcome to Illinois where you can get a safe, legal abortion.” It’s on the highway after you cross the river from Missouri.

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