Recently single again after a several year relationship and totally totally forgot the rule about not texting too soon. If I remember correctly, there’s no coming back right?
Throw the number away and just keep moving, right?

  1. what the fuck are you on about? I’ve literally never cared about someone texting me too soon in my life. don’t disappear for weeks or artificially space out conversations and we’re gucci

  2. Wtf are these rules. Just be yourself and hope that you find someone who likes that. If you’re outside the norm, adapt. If you’re just looking to hook up then play your games. But if you’re looking for your person, stop following rules.

  3. These games are ridiculous. I text someone whenever I feel like it. If the person doesn’t like it, I move on to the next one. I’m an adult, I’m not out there to play.

  4. Oh my god did you ever now you look needy. You also forgot about not too many emojis . You also forgot to text what an amazing time you had it’s all over for now.

  5. >totally totally forgot the rule about not texting too soon

    Not a rule. Date like an adult and communicate.

  6. I’m 46 and I’m telling you I’ve never heard of a text to soon rule. At my age I’m not wasting time. If I’m interested in you I’m going to wait to text.

  7. If someone ghosts you because you sent a message when you felt like it just think that you doged a bullet.

  8. More context is needed here. There are no be-all-end-all rules. At best, only guidelines which vary between situations.

  9. Don’t follow those rules, text back if you want to text back, if actually lost more chances of dates by the lack of texting back on a timely manner since it’s taken as a lack of interest.

  10. Lol, there’s no such rule. There’s people who are averse to interest/eagerness, and there’s people who fucking lap it up. Try one of those.

  11. Wut? What’s the context? Do you mean you texted them literally right after parting ways on a first date? Yeah that’s a bit eager.

    Or you mean you need to “wait 3 days or w/e”after getting their number?

  12. Hey, I’ve been on both sides of this. I worried about “texting too soon” and would avoid it. I thought it was normal, right? Everyone does it. It wasn’t until I met my current boyfriend, who does not follow and never worried about “texting too soon” did I realize that having to space out texts for fear of “annoying” someone or “needing to keep someone interested” is a normalized, unhealthy relationship behavior. I would avoid the double or triple texting if the person has not responded, though.

  13. There are no rules

    Text when you feel like texting — stop playing meaningless, arbitrary games.

    Be genuine

  14. No clue of this rule you’re speaking of. Who did you text and when? Was Is directly after a date? After getting the number? Context would help

  15. for me texting is sporadic.. sometimes too soon and sometimes a day later! I don’t care when someone texts me esp if we don’t have definite plans then just text whenever! like all good

    In fact I don’t mind receiving paragraphs of texts either.. long as they aren’t being mean and stuff like be free in talking

    Plus sometimes if I got some stuff to say I just say what I got to say knowing I’m not gonna be compatible with everyone and if that’s the case and they stop talkin to me outta the blue that’s fine too I let ‘em go

  16. My girlfriend and I had our first date July 1st. 3 hours later I was already texting her to set up our second date. We’ve been together almost 7 months, so, there’s no rule about texting too soon, fuck that noise.

  17. Don’t overthink it too much. Of course there is potentially ‘too soon’ where it may comes across as too keen, needy and then there’s also the opposite side where you might come across as disinterested. But, it’s also important to be stay true to who you are.

  18. You gotta provide context, because although this is true, most of the time it depends on the person and what happened.

  19. Absolutely NOT. Thousands of studies show that someone you’re trying to date WANTS you to chase them (but for the love of god, PLEASE don’t be creepy about it)

  20. Destroy your phone and move to a different country. You’ve broken the sacred rule of talking to men/women!!!

  21. is this the excuse people use when someone isn’t interested? it’s easier to say “I texted too soon” vs. “they just don’t like me and are not interested”

  22. Oh please don’t buy into the 3 day rule and all that nonsense. If a girl really likes you, she will be happy to hear from you as soon as possible. If she’s annoyed you texted her too soon, she’s not very interested in the first place. So no matter what you did it wouldn’t have mattered.

  23. The too soon bit is a myth. If you like the person, just text them when you feel like it without worrying about “texting too soon”

  24. There are no rules for most of us. Some do have their own little rules about how to go about dating, and usually they’re the ones that can’t keep a steady relationship. Most people like open, honest communication.

  25. Like you said in a comment OP, with the right person, it’s never too soon! If a guy I like texted me after I just saw him, I would be over the moon!

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