Feel like I’m suffering a lot from seasonal affective disorder as we’re in the depths of winter in the UK, clear lack of vit d and warmth is making me lethargic – for those in the same boat what do you do to counter this?

  1. Try to keepy myself active t all times. Even when I’m driving in the car and I feel a bit dozy, I wack on sing along songs to wake me up. Just don’t let yourself get into the mindset of boredom or you loose all energy.

  2. I embrace the season man. It’s nice to have a few months to cozy up inside and be lazy. So mostly I just roll with it. I like to go outside in all sorts of weather so if I’m feeling cooped up I go out for a bit. I will say that I exercise pretty much every single day year round so that keeps me mentally and physically in decent shape.

  3. When I lived in the UK I would make sure to get out every weekend in the morning and hike a bit. The roaches had a trail that was short I could do it in a little over an hour. There was also a trail that went near my work as well. Try any quiet walk in the morning for at least a half hour. Also if you work from home get a sunlamp. They are pretty cheap but can give you a bit of reprieve from the darkness of winter.

  4. A few things:

    – make sure I get out every morning to get some sun on my skin (even if it’s overcast)
    – staying active at the gym etc
    – making sure I keep up with friends etc
    – cook nutritious, but hearty meals
    – watch comedy etc

  5. NSDR. Supplements. Martial arts. Still you should look at the sun (not directly but no sunglasses and windows) for 30min in the first half of the day on cloudy days to stabilize your hormonal levels and mood. There is a whole huberman podcast on this.

  6. If you have SAD, have you tried using one of those light therapy boxes (or whatever they are called) for seasonal depression?

    Seems to help my depression somewhat in the dark depths of winter. I’m in Northern Ontario in Canada.

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