I (22 NB) dated only women for about 2 years. In May of last year I ran into an old high school friend (23 M) that had really grown into himself. I decided to give things a go with him and was really enjoying myself. I considered the idea that I was bisexual. We started dating and moved in together after three months. I don’t know if my feelings were that of romantic love or what. I was enjoying myself and I liked him and wanted to spend time with him but couldn’t picture anything further than the present. I truly thought those feelings were going to come along. My family kept telling me how much they liked him and what a great guy he was. He truly is a great guy but I found myself irritated with him constantly. I hated any romantic advances he made. I started sleeping in a different bed. I thought maybe I was polyamorous and wanted more in my life but I think that was just an excuse to technically not be cheating. I did download bumble and match with people but nothing ever came of that because I didn’t want to be with any of those men either. He told me he didn’t want me on a dating app anymore so I did delete it and never broached that subject again.
After a week sleeping apart, I told him that I needed a break. We spent another week or so apart and I realized that I do not want to end up with a man. They’re fun sometimes but when it comes to true love, I love women. I told him that I don’t think I’m bisexual and that I am so so sorry I dragged him into a committed relationship with me, simply because of my own confusion and ignorance.

Where it gets more complicated is we are signed into a lease together until September. I talked to the landlord but they will not let us sell the lease. He doesn’t want to find roommates and frankly neither do I. We have decided to try living together and riding it out. I’m usually out of town Monday evening through Thursday morning anyway, and work Friday through Sunday. He was ok with the idea and honestly seemed to be doing well but the last couple of days have taken a turn. He is crying a lot, texting me past midnight, and just all together struggling. I feel awful. I know this is my fault. I don’t know what to do to make this better. I suggested he see a therapist and I have his family’s contact information so if I’m worried he is unsafe I can contact them. I don’t know what to do.

TLDR: I moved in with a man after dating only women for two years because I thought I was bi and would grow to love him romantically. I realized I am a lesbian through and through so I broke up with him. However we are stuck in a lease together and he is struggling with us living together.

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