Honest question. Life has been kicking by butt lately. Work is being outsourced to India, a 2 year old at home that I can’t keep up with, a mom in a nursing home, and it’s all just getting me rather overwhelmed these days. Does anyone have any advice on what you guys do to break out of the funk?

  1. Honestly, I’ve learned to take everything one step at a time. Venting to friends help and so does just taking a minute to yourself. I use my drive home from work as my breathing time and relaxing time from life.

  2. I just keep going and something happens eventually that breaks it and things ease up

  3. Sometimes life smiles good fortune on you, and sometimes it gives you an ass-whooping.

    Both are temporary.

    When life was kicking my butt, I tried to remember that the last time I was beat down, everything felt so much worse than it really was.

    But that’s a tough thing to remember when you are suffering.

  4. I like doing some form of physical activity. Feel like I’m in control for once. Music also helps, whether listening or playing

  5. I’ll masturbate to porn, cry and feel guilty, and drink until I black out.

    No lies here.

  6. all I can offer is that weed has saved my life. the last 2 years have been impossibly hard, while alcohol might provide the same escape it causes damage in more ways that one, weed not only makes getting through really difficult times/feelings it also reduces covid! win win!

  7. When things get fucked up, I’d try to enjoy the predicament like “Nobody could take this shit if it weren’t me God Are ya listening!? Look I’ll make it through. And you’ll never praise me. Also you’ll give me another challenge. Ok come on Life suuuuuucks!”

  8. Idk what to do tbh, I’m only in my early 20’s but I feel like life and mental health are beating the absolute shit out of me.

  9. I put on music that gives me a positive outlook and tells a story or encourages perseverance of spirit. A lot of hardcore, pop-punk and hip-hop is about going through the struggles of life and never giving up and I feel that shit.

    Here’s a good one, an oldie but goodie. Subzero – Lion Hearted. The singer of this band had cancer and was on his death bed, he wrote this song after the 2nd time he was in remission after another battle “To all the lionhearts who had the courage and the strength to beat down their worst enemies, their biggest fears and their deepest struggles. those who had the power to defeat any challenges, that stood in the way of your lives. this one’s for you!”


  10. I’ll work out to blow off some steam despite my emotions. Then I’ll light up a cigar and smoke in the sunlight maybe with a glass of wine and smooth music. I would sit back and regroup my mind back together.

  11. Go for a run or walk, let the feelings flow out of you….if ya gotta cry do it….don’t know why but it seems like men are afraid to cry even completely alone…do it….everything is better after a cry….then get back in the game and kick its ass.

  12. Take joy in your 2 year old. And your spouse/partner. Touch each other with love, thank each other for little kindnesses. Help one another. Have honest discussions about finances and goals, make plans to do things together and be one another’s refuge. So many relationships fall apart at about this time because we get so stuck in grief we forget to appreciate the little things going right. It’s worth maintaining and fighting for.

  13. I get knock down but I get up again ….

    Ya never gonna keep me down.

    In all honesty, outsourcing of work is only going to continue. The education systems in other countries has been increasing for many years and ours have not kept up. Instead of increasing the quality of education, we’ve increased the quantity of education and in so doing saddled more people with unnecessary debt.

    Given the high cost of living and high cost of labor in the US, the trend will only continue. Knowledge workers in the US had better be more than a few steps ahead of their peers in other countries. Having an outsourcing tax will help, bit only so much.

  14. Go to therapy.

    Honestly when life hit me hard, I didn’t have time to do anything to take care of myself. I should have. But I had to get shit back on track, and that meant days and nights of constantly working on things.

    Eventually when things got better, I was able to sit down and work on myself.

    Advice: *Make a plan.* Check and revise your plan *every day*. Say what you did yesterday, what you’re doing today, and what is stopping you. Execute that plan. Build relaxation and self-care into the plan or you will burn out from self-neglect; then how will you take care of what you need to?

  15. “Women can be careless, even children can be careless, but not men,” -Don Corleone… you stay strong brother, when life punches you down, you get back up and punch that bitch with all you got! Lol 😎

  16. This is just a temporary situation. Every second, minute, hour, day, week, month and year ends. All will get better.
    In the mean time do what jazzes you. Weed? Fishing? Disc golf?

  17. Having anchors. The easiest anchors to make and maintain are routines.

    Wake up every morning and go get some fresh air and sunlight. Sounds dumb but it helps me.

  18. I’m numb to it now, life has been beating me down since I was 5 and hasn’t stopped since. I think if it were to stop I would be terrified of what it was planning for me next.

  19. Investigate your beliefs and find an according form of spirituality, if some of your beliefs are in fact putting you down, drop them and through spirituality find a way to transform them (for me that form of spirituality is Kabbalah)

  20. Gaming, gaming has been my scape since I was a kid, I was born in the most dangerous neighbourhood of the world (at my born date, that has changed today)

  21. Depends on what my mood is. Angry= boxing till I can’t lift my arms or going on a really long motorcycle ride
    Sad= a good cigar and peace and quiet to reflect
    Numb= a good hard lifting session

  22. I ride my motorcycle. It keeps me focused on the road. Other drivers, escape plans, which road connects to another great road. All of a sudden it’s been 3 hours and I haven’t been focused on anything but fun and keeping myself alive.

  23. I felt like that for a long time in the pandemic, and it was a long process till i started to feel like things was getting better. One advice that i will give you now is that is ok if youre felling lost you dont need to have all the answers all the time, some times it will take a long time to the answers show up. Try to focus your energy on things that you can controll, also if youre in pain because of it try to look a therapist, is really good to talk to someone who has actually studied humam behavior. Life is full of surprises things can turn really bad in a second but can also turn good in a second so dont carry the wolrd on your shoulders
    (Sorry for the english btw not my first language)

  24. Fucked if I know tbh. Life has been…let’s just say its bad a bad year for a multitude of reasons. I think I have a bad habit of basically ignoring problems? I’m very good at distra ting myself and procrastinating. Which on one hand is a good thing, as I can escape a little. But ok the other i stagnant and don’t solve things I should sometimes.

    Playing games with friends can help sometimes. Watching stuff to get out my head. Music helps a lot, I listen to a lot.

    But its hard.

  25. Sorry to hear you’re going through some shit OP. I’ve been there, where I feel nothing but despair. Honestly dude let it out when you can and need to, cry, sob, and then when you have to go and handle things again, take it day by day. Just know everything is temporary; your 2 year old will grow up and you’ll be able to catch up to him, you’ll find another job and life is a cycle. Keep your head up bro, you can handle it

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