For me it’s “being guarded” at least within the first 5-10 minutes especially at bars or events where I don’t know anybody. I’m getting better but that’s my Achilles heel. What about you all?

  1. Def approaching women, specifically if I find them attractive. Hell I can’t even really respond when there’s already any opportunity to just interject.

  2. I get intimidated by people who have a lot of friends, which is most people I know. I don’t see how I’m supposed to stand a chance

  3. I don’t mind 1 on 1 conversations but despise group conversations. Maybe its a preference thing but I’d rather have that person have full attention to me and vice versa.

    Also on the dance floor I’m pretty bad at approaching women especially attractive ones. I like to dance by myself but sometimes it’s nice to dance with someone you know?

  4. Meet new people. Develop a “2-side” friendship and not just “1-side”( just me and the other person answering). Flirting and talking to women I’m interested in, like, I feel anxious and they never are interested in me…

  5. I meet someone, I like them, and then I never approach them again because I’m afraid of being too clingy (platonic or romantic context). Naturally, this means a lot of potential relationships don’t develop.

  6. My biggest challenge socially would have to be the thought that everyone hates me, especially in new settings like meeting different people or even in online settings I feel like everyone hates me because I’m new

  7. I struggle to initiate conversations and feel pressure to fill awkward silences.

    I am Overcoming by putting myself in situations. Learning more about being mindful, listening to understand rather than respond. Be genuinely interested in knowing the person.

    Most importantly, not to take me seriously and relax and chill. Be human.

  8. Not cutting people off when they mention a topic that reminds me of something completely different.

  9. I don’t know how to approach a girl . And if ever the time comes when I do, I know that I will still be afraid of keeping the conversation going. Social anxiety bro…

  10. My mental state, I have no thoughts ever and I can’t process or understand what people say. I am basically screwed because I can’t ever think of anything to say or talk about and I’ve lost my personality due to my loss of thoughts

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